Chapter 11 - Kings College + Meghan Markle (2017)

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Helena: Yes, and grandfather, where will my room be?

Charles: Well dear granddaughter, your room will be the same as your father's, but it's modernized don't worry. You will have a complete wardrobe, a private bathroom, an office to do homework plus a printer and also a TV with all channels and you will also have access to the library, private garden, and gym.

Helena: Thank you so much Grandpa!!!


After 4 days, during the ceremony, the Dukes of Cambridge and Princess Helena greeted the director of the school, where for 45 minutes they visited the library rooms of the College and also teachers and staff of the college, after that the present communication, Prince William went to if to communication.

William: Good afternoon how are you all? It is with great pleasure that my daughter will study at this school for the next three years in the history course, Kate and my daughter ask that communication be kept away from her and that classmates treat her as Helena and not a princess Helen, thank you very much. If anyone has questions please ask.

Rep.1: William, good afternoon, will the princess live with other students or will she continue to live at Kensington Palace?

William: Thank you very much, well Princess Helena will leave Kensington Palace but we won't say where she will live.

Rep.2: William, how will Princess Helena's safety be in case of any attack that happens?

William: The princess' security I won't say which is private, but I say it's great and in case of an attack on her and the school, the security will react quickly.

Rep.3: William what will be the princess's course here at Kings College?

William: Princess Helena's course is going to be History, my grandfather my father and my cousin Eugenie have doctorates in History, so she will continue the family tradition. Thank you very much for your questions, and have a good day.

After that, the couple and the princess said goodbye to the headmaster of the school and went to Kensington Palace. Once inside the apartment, William answers a call from Harry.

William: Good afternoon Harry, is something wrong?

Harry: Good afternoon Will, nothing's wrong. I want to invite you and Kate and my niece and also George and Charlotte to dinner at my apartment.

William: OK...What does the celebration say there?

Harry: Well I want to introduce my girlfriend to you and also Dad and Camilla were invited and accepted dinner.

William: And what time is dinner?

Harry: At 8 pm.

William: Okay, half an hour before we'll be there.

Harry: Thank you, brother. One more thing, someone doesn't like vegetables, right? And drinks?

William: Here nobody likes vegetables, as for drinks both Helena George and Charlotte drink Coca-Cola 7up Ice Tea Lemon Kate drinks water but sometimes she drinks orange juice and I drink water wine and also juice.

Harry: Okay, thanks, and see you soon.

William: Bye Harry!!!

After calling, William told Kate, Helena, George, and Charlotte that Harry invited them to go to his apartment for dinner and meet his new girlfriend, everyone was happy with the news, an hour before they all went to shower and get dressed to go to the apartment of Harry.


Harry: Good night, please come in!!!

Kate: Thank you very much.

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