The performer

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Daemon Targaryen x Reader

Requested by Anon​

Halloween event

The harvest festival was starting to pull together. Everyone was rushing around to prepare for the day. Even as Rhaenyra's guest you saw little of her between preparations and caring for her sons.

You had taken to wandering the halls of the castle. You'd picked up several snippets of gossip and rumours. Rhaenyra would listen to what you found as she walked through the corridors and approved things needed for the harvest festival. Today you had assured her that you would greet and escort the famed adventurer and storyteller, who was due to perform on the first night of the festival and hurried down towards the docks.

Getting turned around you found yourself in a part of the docks you hadn't seen before. Trying to find your way to the right boat you ended up not looking where you were going and crashed into someone who hurriedly grabbed at you to stop you from falling.

"Remove your hands from me!" You said quickly as you swatted at them. Until you saw who had grabbed at you. "Prince Daemon. I apologise."

"Forgive me. You know who I am but I do not recognise you." Daemon said quickly as he helped you steady yourself. "You're wearing Targaryen colours but I am not certain I know who you are." He said as he reached out to the dragon pin on your shoulder and tapped it.

"The clothes were a gift. From Rhaenyra. I am (Y/N)." You answered quickly and he nodded as if he knew who you were but clearly had only the faintest idea.

"Yes. I think I recall you." He said not unkindly. He gestured towards the path and walked with you as you continued your search for the boat. You explained what you were doing at the docks and Daemon managed to quickly have someone find the boat and the performer was fetched. He was rather arrogant and was even snippy with Daemon. Daemon, seeming to decide that he had nothing better to do than rile the performer, helped you take him through the city towards the keep. Despite being around Kingslanding for a while you hadn't really left the castle and on the occasion that you had there was always someone to escort you and it was quickly clear if you hadn't bumped into Daemon you would have spent most of the day making your way through the city.

Rhaenyra said nothing as Daemon helped you deliver the performer and her assistants who were rushing around to finish preparations for the first night. She did however offer him an arched eyebrow and a judgmental look as he followed you out to the corridor as you were excused and sent to find something to have for lunch in your rooms.

"You know. I thought you'd be a lot scarier. I'm glad we bumped into each other." You confessed as Daemon walked slowly with you.

"Oh? I suppose I am known to be quite fearsome." Daemon said with a smug smile.

"I do not think the adventurer agrees." You said quietly and glanced around as if you didn't want to be overheard.

"No. I do not think he does." Daemon agreed and chuckled when you seemed smug with his agreement.

"Perhaps next time you see him you should tell him about your adventures. I suppose then he'll be too embarrassed to speak of his own adventures at the festival." You joked. Daemon chuckled and agreed that he would join you in tormenting the rather rude and arrogant performer. By the time his performance came around even Rhaenyra had gone off him and once he'd finished, and the children who had gathered to listen to his tales had been sent to bed, she joined you and Daemon in boasting of their own adventures. 

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