"Alola To Diamonds & Pearls"

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A few months ago, many people from around the world gathered together in the city of Wyndon, located in the northern part of the Galar region. This was the location of the Masters Tournament, a tournament that saw the top 8 competitors of the Pokémon World Championship, the strongest Pokémon Trainers in the world, face off against one another. All to see who would be crowned as the World Champion. An imposing, powerful title that many have dreamed about having. History was bound to be made at this legendary tournament.

Amongst the participants of the Masters Eight was a young boy from Kanto's Pallet Town, who is none other than Ash Ketchum. Even well after the tournament had ended, the thrilling memories are still fresh in his mind, as well as the Pokémon that guided him through the many battles. Since then, he has spent time with his mother at home, occasionally going to visit the rest of his Pokémon at the laboratory of Professor Oak, Kanto's highly-regarded Pokémon Professor, as well as his friends that are scattered throughout Kanto.

Ash was really starting to feel the urge to go on another adventure, even after traveling the world for both the Pokémon World Championship and research for Professor Cerise with his best friend Goh. This time around though, Ash wanted to travel with one of his friends. To a place that he considers his second home: The tropical region of Alola. And Ash knew who to invite to go to Alola with him.

Over in the vast land of Sinnoh, there was a blue-haired girl located in the humble town of Twinleaf with a penguin Pokémon who are very close friends of Ash. She and her Pokémon were spending some time together at a nearby lake when she heard her phone ringing. When picked up the phone, she was excited to see who was calling, and answered almost immediately. "Hi, Ash!" She said. "How are you doing?!"

"I'm doing great, Dawn!" Ash responded. "How about you?"

"I'm doing well, myself. Piplup and I are relaxing today at Lake Verity after we got home from a Contest. What's up?"

"I decided that I wanted to go spend some time in the Alola region, and I was wondering if you wanted to come along?"

"Alola?! The Alola region?!"


"Pika!" Ash's Pikachu shouted from his shoulder into his phone.

"Oh my gosh, I would love to, Ash!" Dawn said excitingly. "Ever since you told me about Alola, and the fact that you're the region's Champion, I've been hoping to go there someday for myself! So, yes, I do wanna come!"

"That's great!" Ash said. "You'll finally get the chance to meet my friends and Pokémon that I met in Alola, too!"

"Sweet! I'm so excited! See you soon then!"

"Sounds great!" Ash said before hanging up. "Ready to go back to Alola, buddy?!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu shouted with excitement.

With plans set, both Ash and Dawn immediately go back home to start packing for their next adventure together. In the back of his head, Ash didn't know what he wanted to do in Alola, outside of just visiting the region. He just wanted to go visit what he considers his second home.

As for Dawn, the thought of going to Alola was only a dream to her given how far the region was from Sinnoh. Dawn did mention to Ash that she had just come home from a Pokémon Contest, which was held in the nearby city of Jubilife. She had only been home for 24 hours, and was leaving the house once again to travel somewhere else. This time though, it was somewhere brand new, and that got her adrenaline pumping. Dawn hasn't been this excited about traveling to a new place since she started her journey many years ago.

Dawn boarded the soonest flight to Kanto, and Ash waited for her at the Saffron City airport, where their flight to Alola was waiting. The two of them couldn't be more excited to see each other once again, but this time it was for a relaxing trip as opposed to research or saving the world. No worries to think about. It was like they were going on vacation.

"Alola To Diamonds & Pearls" - A Pearlshipping StoryWhere stories live. Discover now