Melvinborg x Reader

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Y/n POV :
I was in, sitting next to Melvin. I'll admit i have a crush on him, but he hates me,he's giving me a glare right now. He hates me because I was accepted into Illuminate academy and he didn't. His future self also hates me. I just want to cry, I was hoping Melvin would be accepted into Illuminate academy aswell because I didn't want to be alone.

In the middle of my thoughts I heard the others gasp, I look up to see a someone I haven't seen before. "Hi, I come from the future!"  they said with a wave, "i'm future Y/n. And I've come here to stop the idiot, Melvin." my eyes grow wide. "Future is me is hot."

"Thanks kiddo." they chuckles. "Anyway, tiny Melvin, where's my Melvin?" his face heats up, so does mine. "YOUR Melvin?" he stammers, "W-wait, you got the wrong idea, I meant the Melvin from the future." they chuckle nervously.

"I-in his office." future me nodsand walks out the door. I grabbed Melvin's had and followed them. 


Quick A/n.



Third Pov :

You and Melvin stood at the door, spying on your future selves. "Melvin, I'm here to take you home." he looks at !F!(future)you with shock. "Y-y/n!? How did you get here!"

"You're not the only smart one!" you poke his forhead. "No, I'm making past me get into Illuminate academy and making sure you don't get in." you started getting angry. "Why me! What did I do?"

"You went to Illuminate academy and I didn't!" he yells at with rage. "I didn't want to alone! I was hoping you'd get accepted because I was sared of being an outcast! Not knowing anybody! Feeling like a nobody!" you started crying 

"When I found out that you weren't accepted I told my parents that I didn't want to go! But they didn't listen. They ignored me, I was forced, an outcast, just another child that thinks they're smart!If you were there then atleast I would know I wasn't alone, and I was!" you slammed your hands on the desk, tears flooding down your face.

"You weren't happy there? Y/n....I'm so sorry!" he embraces you with a big hug, rubbing your back while you cry, "There, there. Let all out." you continued to cry on his shoulder while past you and Melvin were watching. "Did you call me?" Ms Anthrode walked in on your future selves. "No!" Melvinborg yells

"Is this you partner?"

"Miss Anthrode! Yes, but that's not important!"

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