6 - George Weasley Loved Long Legs

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"We do need to work together as partners" he tried to sound as non phased as he possibly could have, "we can help each other" she raised a brow, untrusting of his sudden openness to the situation, "I'll meet you later, after the game to touch base on what we have so far" this would be the perfect time to pull one over on her.

The bell chimed signalling the end of the class, neither of the pair moved.

Autumn looked him over, knowing he was up to something but to intrigued to pass up finding out just want that something was.

"Deal" she smiled, a very wicked looking smile, "I will meet you in the library".

After her final words George watched intently as she tidied away all her belongings into her bag, turning to her friend, the one with the older sister whose names he always had mixed up.

He thought she had been Daphne, but he hadn't known for sure.

He did however give which ever one she had been a wink, a pinkness flushing to the girls cheeks and her eyes widening as she grabbed her friends arm, pulling her out of the room leaving only Fred who was stood waiting for George at the back of the room.

A girl stood by him who scurried away as George got closer.

"Angelina? Again? Mate it never works out with you two" George gave Fred a slap to the back hinting for him to walk while George spoke to him.

"Are you judging me Georgie?" Fred gave his brother a nudge to the arm in protest, "you are not one to lecture me on woman" George have his twin a quizzing look, "I seen you staring at her you know" Fred confirmed as the pair made their way towards the quidditch grounds for their final practice ahead of their first game.

George gave Fred that sort of look that one would only give when they're completely stumped.

"That Ravenclaw girl?" He had racked his brain to come up with any sort of answer, that was the last girl he'd really spoken to.

He watched as Fred nodded in the direction of Autumn.

"You think I didn't see you staring at her legs?" Fred let out a howl of laughter watching George's face screw up.

George had known he'd taken a peak a few times, the way her socks stopped just above her knees and her skirt trailed down to lay just above her mid thigh gave a great view. If he were to look at her face then he'd only think of what a witch she was.

So her legs were his better options.

Besides George Weasley loved long legs.

Autumn had found herself tucked up beside Pansy on the severely uncomfortable wooden seating around the quidditch pitch, first game back was Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Not the most thrilling considering neither team had any players like the Slytherin boys.

This would more than likely be a fairly gentle game.

So boring that she was already rolling her eyes and the game still had five minutes to go, not that this was the first time that night her eyes got a lovely view of the back of her head.

Gryffindor was winning, with the little time left it was clear they'd won, unless the snitch was caught.

It wasn't.

Gryffindors scattered around their seats hollered, the excitement of their team winning showing, they'd face the winner of the Slytherin and Ravenclaw match in due course.

Autumn made her way down behind the Slytherin boys, Pansy and Daphne close behind. Astoria calling Dracos name from the top of the stands.

He hadn't waited for her.

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