The First Night

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Eight's P.O.V:
"Welp, this is the first Night with the 90's guy. I pray that this goes well and he won't hear me snore and uh- talk and mumble. Hopefully I don't make myself look bad...wait- why do I care about this! I don't even like him."
Nine's P.O.V:
"Holy Moly, I actually did it! I talked to her and we actually had a conversation without me getting yelled at! Why am I feeling like this?! This doesn't feel tubular, this feels more like my body is on fire! Am I dying?! Am I allergic to her presence?! 



Nine: *changes his clothes and gets in bed* "I'll be here until you're done."
Eight: "Umm thanks I guess. Wait what do I wear-."
Nine: "Use one of my over sized t-shirts ig."
Eight: "Oh thanks Nine-." *changes into one of his shirts*
Nine: (Holy- Wait- Why am I thinking this?! She's just my nightly guest.)
Eight: "You ok?"
Nine: "Huh? Oh, Yeah-"
Eight gets into the bed tries to get as far away from Nine to make it not as uncomfortable as possible.

Eight: "Umm Good night, I guess"Nine: "Night, Eight Face" The both of them fall asleep and try to share the blanket

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Eight: "Umm Good night, I guess"
Nine: "Night, Eight Face"
The both of them fall asleep and try to share the blanket. Meanwhile Four had been checking outside to make sure Eight was there in the sub count.

Four: "Time to check if someone actually cares about this sub-count."

Four walks to the sub-count and see's the dummy sitting down seeming like eight is sleeping.

Four: "Oh look Eight's asleep I guess they actually do care about the sub count! Welp time to get to bed-"

Two appears in Four's way, seeming to be in crutches and bandages since the whole TPOT 1 fiasco.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
Serious but Fun Love (a Nine x Eight story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora