1. The auditions pt. 1

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*Bold - talking to the camera*  *Italic - what they are thinking* 


*First Person*

This is it, the first day of junior year. The year that is gonna change everything for my life. Well, not really but still it's an important year of high school. I get ready for the day and I drive to school. "I can't wait to see Ricky and EJ"  I thought while driving to school. I haven't seen or talked to EJ ever since he went to summer camp and I haven't seen Ricky for two weeks since he said he wanted to mentally prepare himself to see Nini again after their "break." I don't understand why they decided to take a break, Ricky didn't tell me the details but I honestly think that they aren't going to get back together.  I mean they were in a good relationship but you already know that I like Ricky so I don't like him being in a relationship. But anyway at least EJ decided to take a break from dating so I don't have to deal with feeling jealous of the girl he's dating. I hate the fact that I like both of them, I should know that they're my best friends and I can't ruin that friendship. Hopefully I meet someone this year that helps me get over them. I pull up to the school and I see Ricky and Big Red bump into a red-head lady. 

"Sorry" "our bad" I hear them say. "All good, no bad" I hear the  lady say back. I feel so bad for her so I go up to her. "Hi, I'm sorry for the boys that bumped into you" "Oh it's fine sweety, nothing like a pair of skater boys bumping into on your first day," "I'm Vanessa Morgan, I'm a junior." "Oh hi Vanessa, I'm Ms. Jenn, the new theater teacher." "Ohhh, it's so nice to meet you. I was starting to wonder if we were getting a new teacher this year." "Well, it's nice to know that someone is excited to meet me, well I'll let you go to your friends. Have a good day, Vanessa." "You too, Ms. Jenn."

It's nice to know we have a new teacher this year. Hopefully she gets the bright idea of letting us do a High School Musical production. Now, I have to find Ricky and Big Red. I hear Ricky's voice and I start to hear what he's telling Big Red. "Today's the day Big Red, it's happening." "Hell yeah, junior year, baby. Might grow a mustache. Might do a lot of things." "Dude, I'm talking about Nini. Today is the day we start over." 

And that's my que to enter the conversation. "Hey guys." "Hey Nessa," both Ricky and Big Red reply. "Before we talk about this summer, I just want to say, Big Red, I can't imagine you with a mustache and Ricky, I thought you and Nini were still talking since it was just a "break."" "Well, we haven't talked since we decided on the break but we texted. She sounded neutral. Nothing about bad news or needing to have a big talk. Just "hey" that's good right?" "Summers are no man's land, Ricky. I don't know what "hey" means and neither do you or Nessa." "I think it's good. Yeah." "Ricky, I hate to say it but I agree with Big Red, you don't know what "hey" means." 

I overheard Kourtney and Nini talking about Nini's summer and I can already tell that this day is not going to go as planned. I walk up to Kourtney and Nini so I can talk to them before Ricky gets the big news. "Hey Kourt, Hey Nini." "Oh hey, Nessa. How you been," Kourtney asks. "I've been good. So um I overheard you guys talking about you-know-who and I just wondering if you could tell him the news slowly, I don't want to deal with an upset Ricky all day." "Sure, I'll try to say it as nice as possible so he doesn't make a big deal about it," Nini replied. 

I hear Ricky say, "Yo Nini, what's good?" Hopefully Ricky doesn't make a big deal about this because there are a lot of people in the halls right now. "Um can we talk?" I hear Nini ask. 

Ricky to camera:

"It was my idea to take a pause, okay. Nini was going to theater camp and.. Not to brag, but I'm not exactly intimidated by guys who voluntarily wear tights."

Nini to camera:

"I didn't want to take a pause. It was only a month. We could have FaceTimed every day."

R: "I mean, fine. Did I hang out with a couple of girls this summer? Possibly. Did I talk about Nini the entire time? Absolutey."

"I met someone else at camp. I didn't plan..." "Wait. Wait, is this a joke?" "Still talking here." "Oh, snap." "I met someone at camp. Uh, I didn't plan for it to happen, but it happened. He was the music man, I was Marian, the librarian. It's called a showmance." "Wait, you went to librarian camp? That's a thing?" I silently laugh as I hear Big Red ask. "Please tell me you're joking." "I'm not" both Nini and Big Red reply. "Just stay quiet, Big Red," I whisper. "Come on Ricky, You know what you did ! Or what you didn't do." We all hear an announcement, telling us to go to the gym. I was getting ready to take Ricky but then he said, "I don't believe this. You're blowing me off for some theater punk, you met 4 weeks ago? At a lake?" "You kinda dumped me!" "It was a break. It wasn't a break up." "I'm sorry, Ricky but it's a break up now."  "Pop off girl." "Stay out of this Kourtney." "You stay out of it. I'm dismantling the patriarchy this year, and I'm not afraid to start with you. "Come on guys, we have to go to the gym," I say after Nini and Kourt walk away. 

To camera:

N: "I feel good about this. Its a fresh start. Everyone's on the same page."

R: "This is a nightmare. Everything is terrible. Love is dead." 

V: "Well, that didn't go as planned. Now Ricky is going to be complaining about Nini and theater camp. But now that I think about it, EJ went to theater camp this summer. Could it be, no I don't think so. It can't be him, can it? "

This assembly is so boring. I was starting to zone out but then I hear Ricky whisper to Big Red. "Why, Big Red? Why do things need to change?" "Some things never change, dude. I've been wearing the same socks for 3 days." Now that was something, I did not need to know. I change my attention to the front of the gym and I see the new theater teacher. She uses a werid shirt gun thing and shoots a shirt at a random guy. I also see Carlos standing next to the teacher, I knew right away that he had befriended her, so it means that he's already the head choreographer. I then hear that she is planning to do High School Musical The Musical. That has been my dream musical. My life is all about HSM. I'm going to audition for the role of Gabriela. I know that I have a chance, unless Nini also tries to audition for her. I mean come on, I love Nini but she doesn't have experience playing lead roles. Unlike me, I have gotten lead roles throughout my high school years. You know what I'm not going to be competitive about this, I'm auditioning and I'm not going to go crazy if I don't get Gabriela. 


Author's note: Word count: 1292

So each episode of season 1 is going to have at least 2 or 3 parts to them because I want to have long chapters that have a good story to them .

I hope you guys like the first chapter. I'm new to this so please don't heist on commenting on what I should fix and don't forget to vote. 

Love you guys :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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