Chapter Two

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      The day of Lorna's birthday dawned sunny and warm. There was nothing to indicate that this day would be any different than normal. Alorna helped her mother to prepare the morning fast for the family, while the others were busying themselves with outside chores. A short time later everyone came in and partook of the morning meal together.

         Afterwards they all parted ways in pursuit of their various works. The boys went hunting and out to work in the fields. While Rebecca and Alorna went to the stream to wash clothes before the small party scheduled for that night. Lorna was very excited and her mouth watered just thinking about the dessert her mother was busy making at present. When the clothes had been thoroughly cleansed, the two girls decided to take a moment to bathe in the cool stream. They then ended up getting into a splash fight, laughing and giggling all the while. In that moment they were carefree and contented.

                 After a while, they got out of the water and hastily donned their dresses. Gathering up their hand woven baskets filled with the now washed clothing, they then made their way back home. The loud, angry cries and weeping could be heard before they ever reached the clearing. The two girls exchanged anxious looks before hastening their steps. What they saw when they got there made them halt in their tracts. The whole family was standing in front of the house, forming a circle around something or someone that they could not yet see.

              As they got closer to the group, they realized that the person lying within the circle was their eldest brother Henrich. He was just laying there, not moving, covered almost completely with blood. His clothes were ripped and shredded, and his body was covered with bite marks and deep gouges. Their mother knelt over his still form, clutching at him and wailing loudly, unable to keep her despair inside. Michael, however, was completely silent, clenching his fists in rage. His already formidable visage was more commanding than ever. He was filled with anger, for he knew what had killed his son, it was one of those monsters!

           Alorna stood staring numbly for a moment before making her way to Niklaus. She immediately squeezed herself into the small space between Nik and Elijah and cuddled against  Klaus' side nervously. Her brother didn't even have to look down to know who it was. He instantly wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her tightly against his side to comfort her.

        Dinner was a very somber affair that night,needless to say there was no party. No, there were far darker plans brewing. For the loss of his favorite child had unhinged what was left of Michal's already questionable sanity. So he forced his wife to use her dark powers to turn the remainder of his children into something stronger than mere mortals. Something never before seen. Vampires. The Originals.

          The oldest boy Finn eagerly took part, but not so the others. The rest were all very uneasy as they watched the proceedings. Elijah and Rebecca hesitated but in the end had very little choice in the matter. Niklaus stood watching it all with a grim look upon his face, but as always he tried valiantly to be brave. To prove himself to his father, to make him proud. Alorna, on the other hand clutched the back of her brothers shirt as she hid behind him. She began to hyperventilate slightly and gripped him so hard that her nails dug into his skin. Nik bravely did as he was told, all the while, standing protectively in front of his baby sister. When it came time for Lorna's turn she was not nearly so calm as the others had been.

               She fought her hardest but all for naught. Her father ended up pinning her down and forcing the magical liquid down her throat. However, something very strange indeed happened then. A slight glow appeared around the edges of her body and the liquid flew out from her body and splattered all over the room. Michael roared angrily and filled a syringe with the deep red liquid. Then in such a swift act that no one could trace, he punched the young girl in the head, causing her to fall unconscious. Then he stabbed the needle so roughly into her chest that deep bruises instantly formed.

           Elijah and Rebecca had to hold Niklaus back from attacking their father, once the shock had worn off and they all registered what had just transpired. Their attention all reverted back to the young girl though, when her body began to glow again and convulse heavily. Everyone was beginning to panic, except for their mother. She was smiling from ear to ear, the happiest they had ever seen her. Klaus  rushed to his sister and gently cradled her, so that she was resting against him instead of the hard floor. What's wrong with her? Their mother scoffed and said there is nothing WRONG with her! She is special and as soon as the blood takes effect, she will be the strongest of you all. Their mother then came forward and lovingly caressed the unresponsive girl's cheek in a rare show of affection.

            Klaus, Rebecca, and Elijah remained unconvinced by their mother's words, while their father and Finn were instantly assuaged. The other three, however, kept their gazes fixed on their little sister. When she awoke they would have to go on their first hunting trip as vampires. Little did they know that this trip would reveal dark, carefully hidden secrets. It would change their lives in many ways.

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