The day I won't forget

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She was never herself again. After that day everything changed, everyone acted strange, it was like she had entered an alternate universe... JACKEY! someone behind me screamed. Stop telling that story, we have already heard it a hundred times, we don't need to hear it again for the 101st time today. It was my sister once again asking me to stop telling the same story all because she doesn't believe it to be true. But it is true, I said to her. I don't believe you, she said back in a condescending way. 

It's 6:30in the morning and I have to go to school, but I really don't want to. Mysister and I walk to school together every morning at 7:40, but the path wehave to take is pretty dangerousand well known for its countless accidents. Every day we hear about a newperson that has gotten run over at the same intersection as everyone else thathas been hit by a car in thistown. Every time we walk through that dangerous intersection, I can't help butwonder when it's going to be my turn to get hit by a car. Everyone else in myfamily except my sister and I have been hit at least once in that intersection, so it might only be a matter of time before it's my turn as well. While I was lost in my own thoughts, Iheard my sister scream behind me. JACKEY WATCH OUT!! I didn't even get to react before the intersection looked like a crime scene. There was blood EVERYWHERE, on the road, on the carand on the pedestrians that saw it all unfold right in front of their eyes. I don't remember anything from the accident other than the blood everywhere and the feeling of watching it all from a bird's perspective, before feeling an unbearable pain all over my body, then it all went black.

The week after the accident

I woke up in a hospital bed staring up at the ceiling. I tried to move my head, but I couldn't, then I tried moving my hands and legs, and yet again I was unsuccessful. I am unable to move and speak. When I can't communicate with anyone around me, I get the feeling of being trapped in my own thoughts. Suddenly a strange man that I've never seen before is standing over me looking into my eyes. He was talking to me. I could hear him, but I couldn't make out what he was saying, then I suddenly slipped back into the darkness. Hello? I heard a small child's voice say. I looked around. Suddenly I was at the intersection again, but this time it was only me and this little girl. Hello, I said back to her. Where am I? What is going on? I asked, but she didn't answer me, she just stood there, right in the middle of the intersection. I walked closer to her before I realized that it was... it But I was little. Then it was like a movie started playing. The little me was walking through the intersection, then suddenly out of nowhere a car came flying right into the little me. Right when the car hit me, I woke up. I was yet again looking into the eyes of that strange man. The only difference from before was that now I was able to move my arms and head, I was also able to speak again. The man was once again talking. How are you? He asked. I don't know, I said to him before I slipped into the darkness again. This time I saw the exact same scene, but there were a bunch of other people. I looked around, then I realized, everyone around me weren't people who had been hit, it was all people who were going to. They were all standing in a line. I figured that the person closest to the intersection was the next victim. I walked closer to see who it was, when I saw some looking fine and others covered in blood while a third group looked dead... 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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