~ Morning ~

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I forgot to mention in the HC's that Susan is a cheerleader and bullies "losers" like Camilla.
I woke up this morning, feeling like shit. My hair had knots, my eyes had circles under them, I couldn't feel my feet and my vision was terrible (I wasn't wearing my glasses but still).
I started walking over to my bathroom and then my cat (darling) started scratching my leg.
"Alright! Alright! Stop scratching my leg! I'll get you some food, Darling."
I said giggling.
I walked towards my kitchen and filled Darling's food bowl and water bowl.
Then I — finally — walked over to the bathroom and started brushing my hair throughly infront of the mirror.
I looked at myself when I was ready to leave and noticed;
it's was 09:30 am already?! I was supposed to be at school at 9:00 am!
I said goodbye to daisy and my parents as I rushed, this would be the first time I'd be late for school!
I rushed into the school, put my stuff in my locker and ran faster than the speed of light through the classroom doors.
"Ms. Allison!"
My teacher yelled at me.
"Sorry Ms. Davisson! I overslept!"
"That's not like you, I'll let it slide, but just this time!"
I sat down behind Susan, that beautiful girl.
I stared into the back of her head every time I noticed her luscious locks.
Once the bell rang I ran out of the classroom as the teacher handed me the homework.

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