Chapter Twenty-Three

Începe de la început

"My friend remains unconvinced." Tyrion commented as the old man struggled to open the door they were currently standing in front of.

"He would not dare insult my order whilst Aerys Targaryen lived." Said the pyromancer.

"Well, he's not living anymore." Bronn shot back. The fuck was up his ass today? "And all his pots of wildfire didn't help him, did they? Men win wars, not magic tricks."

At the last part of his statement, Zephyr almost felt hurt. Earlier he was saying I could be helpful with my newfound skills, and now he's saying that? 

Finally, the door opened and he led them in.

There were many jars of that wildfire stuff. like a lot. a hell of a lot.

Zephyr and Tyrion stepped in, jaws dropped to the ground as they saw the room.

"We have been working tirelessly, day and night, ever since the Queen Regent commanded us to do so. Our present count stands at 7.881. Enough to burn Stannis Baratheon's fleet and armies both." The man told both royals.

Zephyr let out a shakey breath. One wrong move and they'd be nothing more but molten humans blending into the ground.

"This is a shit idea." Bronn sang from the back.

"I'm afraid I have to concur with my advisor, Wisdom Hallyne. The contents of this room could lay King's Landing low." Tyrion told them. "You won't be making wildfire for my sister any longer. You'll be making it for me and the princess."

~Game of Thrones~

"May the Seven guide the Princess on her Journey." Said the Septon as They shipped Myrcella off to Dorne. "May her Mother give her health. May the crone give her wisdom. May the warrior give her courage."

Zephyr glanced to her left at her mother, seeing tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She felt bad, she really did. But it was for Myrcella's safety, even if Cersei didn't want to believe it.

As the Septon continued, Cersei spoke. "One day i pray you both love someone. I pray you love them so much, when you close your eyes, you see their faces. I want that for you. I want you both to know what it's like to love someone, to truly love someone. Before I take them from you."

Tyrion just glared at her and left without a word. He didn't have to. He knew she'd do that. He knew his sister well enough that anything nice that came out of her mouth always had another meaning to it.

Tommen began crying, letting out a sob as his watched his sister be shipped off. Zephyr hated to see any of her siblings crying, so she took him in her arms, embracing him tightly as he cried into her shoulder.

"Hush now.. Myrcella will be back home as soon as all of this is over okay? I promise." Zephyr softly whispered to her brother, who nodded, wiping at his eyes.

"You sound like a cat mewling for his mother." Joffrey stated seeing his little brother act in such a way. "Princes don't cry."

"I saw you cry." Sansa said.

"Did you say something, my lady?" Joffrey glared at the redhead.

"My ittle brother cried when I left Winterfell." Sansa explained, Joffrey simply saying 'so?' clearly not getting the point. "It seems a normal thing." Said the Stark girl.

"Is your little brother a prince?" Joffrey asked, getting fed up.

"No." She answered, "Not really relevant then is it?" Joffrey stated.

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