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Here I am being corner by the capture targets and my so call friends are in watching from the other side of of the hall stuffing their face with their food . I have your back they which was bare lies they betray me by just sitting and using me for their amusement. How the heck did I get place in this situation. I'm not the one whose to be in this situation but that does not change the fact that I am in this situation. Oh what situation might that be well. Right now I hiding with my besties whose suppose to got my back  from a group UNWANTED people in my secret place.


"You manage to fool me all those years. You peep my interest, There is no way I am planning to cancel my engagement" ???

"You are ours dear and no law will not break you from us?" ?????

"Best friend or not I will probably kill anyone who plans try to step between us or harm you?"

"Are you kidding how are you this blind what is there not to love?"  ??????

"Some call you an princess and some call you queen, they are all wrong you are an empress," ?????

"They do not know what they are missing  but who care stay with me no one deserve you," ???

"Wait I thought they were wanted to stay away why are they trying to get closer, stop laughter this is no laughing matter," ??? crying while watching here friends.


None of the Capture targets are following the plot.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum