Chapter One

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It was still very early in the morning, The faint melodious sounds of insects buzzing to attract their mates, and frogs croaking under the falling dew from the trees, announcing the fall of the night and greatly anticipating the rise of the day, While my older brothers were still asleep in slumber land, I was sat at the kitchen table with my older sister Ginny waiting for the boys to all wake up, we didn't really know what was going on only that dad had a surprise for us all, Hermione had arrived early this morning and headed upstairs to get Ron and Harry, my Dad had the task of waking the twins.

As we waited in the kitchen for the others to join us, Ginny was talking all about Hogwarts, she was excited about me starting this year, I on the other hand was not, she would tell me all about Hogwarts and how There were a hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts: wide, sweeping ones; narrow, rickety ones; some that led somewhere different on a Friday; some with a vanishing step halfway up that you had to remember to jump, Then there were doors that wouldn't open unless you asked politely, or tickled them in exactly the right place, and the great hall that was lit by thousands and thousands of candles, that were floating in mid-air over four long tables, where students would sit in their houses.

It all sounded magical but it wasn't enough to stop me from being scared, since Harry, Ron, and Hermione started Hogwarts strange things had happened, I only knew a few of them as my parents always sent me out of the room when they were talking about it, but I knew it had to be bad or worse, Fred and George had told me about a giant snake and a prisoner who had escaped, but he ended up being Harry's godfather, all these things kept going around in my head like a rollercoaster, Ginny kept talking but I wasn't listening, I was looking out of the window into the cold frosty morning, the sun was just coming up and I could see it creating magical colours over the landscape, lighting it up as the sun peeks through the clouds, when everyone was up and ready dad started leading us somewhere, we walk over fields and hills until we came to the woods, the sun was shining through the branches as we headed in.

It felt like we had been walking for what seemed like ages, the wood seemed to go on and on the further we walked, I could see the sun shining through the trees, The tall thin oak trees stared down at me through knowledgeable eyes, as I was small enough to clear their lowest branches, I was tired and started lagging behind everyone else, I wasn't as fast as the others were as I was only small, "Come on sleepyhead," George said walking over to me, he held onto my hand to help me walk a bit faster, my hand looked tiny in his large hand, as we caught up with the others Fred lifted me up and put me on George's back so I wouldn't get left behind, I loved all my siblings but I was always with Fred and George ever since I could remember, I always wanted them we had a bond that was like no other, I was so upset when they left for Hogwarts, so I was happy I didn't have to say goodbye to them this time, as we carried on walking in the wood, the sun glowing in the distance, peaceful and illuminating, echoing the sense of safety I felt with my brothers, I started to feel sleepy and after a while I slowly began to close my eyes as I fell asleep on my big brother safe and warm.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked Ron, as they were walking behind the rest of us, "Don't know. Hey Dad! Where are we going?" Ron yelled to our dad who was walking ahead of us, "Haven't the foggiest, keep up! Where is Phoenix?" dad asked, Fred pointed to me asleep on George's back and dad smiled, we walked a little further, and that's when we saw a man standing a bit ahead of us, he was leaning on a tree I started slowly waking up, and saw the man we were walking towards, he was standing beside a huge oak tree and was waving at my dad, "who is that man" I asked George, "I have no idea" he replied, that's when he started speaking "Arthur! It's about time son." the man said to dad, "Sorry Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." dad said looking back at me, I just smiled at him, "This is Amos Diggory everyone, he works with me at the ministry." dad told us, then a boy jumped down from a tree above, he looked the same age as Fred and George, he was tall and thin looking with brown hair, "And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" dad asked shaking the boys hand, "Yes sir." he said shaking my dad's hand, Hermione and Ginny were smiling at the boy as they saw him, I started laughing, "what's so funny back there monkey?" George asked me, he hadn't seen the girls who were behind us at the time, "oh nothing" I said smiling at the girls.

As we headed out of the wood George put me down, We started to walk up a grassy hill, still damp from the morning dew in the distance I could see what looked like an old brown boot, surely that's not what dad brought us out here to see, "That's it, just over there." dad said pointing towards the boot, he must be joking we came out here to see an old dirty brown boot, "Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" Harry asked, I was just thinking the same thing, "That isn't just any old manky boot mate." Fred said walking past us and holding onto the boot "It's a portkey" George said slightly laughing, what's a portkey I never heard of that before I mean I have travelled by Floo-powder before but I haven't heard of a portkey before, everyone grabs onto the boot, "Phoenix grab the boot, or you will get left behind" dad said to me, so I grabbed hold of the boot next to Fred and George.

There's a flash of white and suddenly we were all flying through the air, the wind blowing through my hair a cold shiver down my spine, I don't know if I liked this way of traveling, "Let go kids!" my dad said, was he nuts if we let go we will fall to the ground, there was no way of telling how heigh we were, but we all trusted dad so we let go of the boot, my brothers and sister along with Harry and Hermione started falling towards the ground, but as I had let go of the boot my dad had grabbed a hold of me, I wasn't falling like the others were, I was floating safely in dads arms, everyone crashed down onto the ground below with a thump, we floated down landing softly onto the ground along with Cedric and Amos, I went to help my sister Ginny up off the floor, "Thank You" she said smiling down at me, I turning to my brothers who were still on the floor out of breath, "going to help us up too?" George said looking at me, I turned to him and smirked "Nope" I said laughing at them, they all jumped up and started chasing me around, I hid behind my dad's legs, we walked across a field and saw a crowd of people cheering and laughing with loads of tents set up all over the place.

"Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" dad said with excitement in his voice, I looked around at the people and started to get a bit nervous, everyone towered over me I grabbed hold of Ron's hand he looked down at me and smiled "it's okay Phoenix, your safe with us okay," he said giving my hand a little squeeze I looked up at him and nodded my head, we walked through the crowd of people there was music playing and people dancing and brooms flying above our heads we had to duck a few times so we wouldn't be hit by them we headed towards a load of tents, we arrived at a small tent, "Home sweet home." dad said we all entered one by one as we stepped inside the tent was huge inside "Girls. Choose a bunk and unpack," dad said I ran into the small room "I want the top bunk," I said quickly before Ginny or Hermione had even stepped foot in the room, they looked at each other and then back at me and started laughing, I looked at them and started laughing with them.

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