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(Herb pov)
"Fine.. I'll join." Sparkling immediately dropped the knife and squealed like a little girl and hugged me. "I knew you would come to your senses." De said just chuckling. I didn't care About her. I was just happy to be back with my boyfriend.
(At their room)
"Im so so SO sorry I held that knife up to your neck!" Sparkling kept repeating. I kept saying it was fine but he just kept apologizing. After that I just told him to go to sleep. He thought I was angry so immediately did so.
(In the morning and pv pov)
I wake up on a beautiful day and go to wake up the little child and herb. I wake up the child and tell them there is food in the kitchen. They were probably very hungry due to the fact they ran to the kitchen. I walk to the guest bedroom herb was staying in and say "herb! Breakfast is ready!" No response. I go to check the room and he wasn't there. I check all around the castle and sorbet kept asking "oOooO?" I kept telling them I was ok even tho I wasn't. Was he..kidnapped? I immediately get some guards to looks for him. No luck. Was he really kidnapped? I've been to de castle once or twice so I know where it is. The child wanted to go with me cause it apparently "grew close to herb" I knew it was bullshit but I didn't care. I just said sure and let the child follow me. We made it to her castle and it looked emo as fuck(you can tell I'm losing motivation when I'm making jokes) but it was getting dark so I decided we would look for him tomorrow.
(Next day)
Wake up, make breakfast then look for herb!
We finally go to check de's castle thing and there was herb. Watering the plants. "Hey herb!" I said. Herb didn't respond. Then a tall man (dark choco😱) told me to leave or I would get hurt. I didn't want to risk it. But before saying bye I told herb "I'll come back for you I promise!" Then grabbed sorbet and left.
(Herbs pov)
The day pv came for me..I felt..different. Like a completely different person! Funny story actually! I found a cactus and decided to touch the spike and I felt different. A good different! I feel sooo much more in the mood now! Everything is good here! The mood is great and I wanna cause some mischief! But..there feels like there's a hole. Where an organ should be. It was there before..why not now..?
447 words!!<33

Time goes by..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang