"Father, brother." I said smiling as I walked up to them.

  "Ready for the hunt today?" My father asked.

  "As always, father."

  "Good, Callan will be going with you."

  "Why is Callan coming with me?"

  "To protect you."

  "I do not need a knight to protect me." I laughed, looking over to where Callan was standing by my horse.

  "We cannot risk you getting hurt before your wedding."

  "Father, you and I both know I am a fair enough hunter. What is the real reason?"

  "There has been talk of the people from House Royce hurting you during the hunt. They believe that their daughter Rhea Royce would be a better fit for the prince."

I laughed at the slightest suggestion that Lady Rhea could be a better fit than me.

  "If she wanted him, she should have just asked. I would gladly give Princess Bitchy to her."

  "Believe me, I would have her take the prince too, but we need to keep our people in mind, Megaera. If you marry the prince, the Targaryens would be our allies. Then, we could finally take our revenge of the Dornishmen."

  "I thought my marriage was to stop a war between our people and the Targaryens. But there was no war, was there? You just wanted them as our allies during a petty war from ages ago."

  "They killed Harlen Tyrell."

  "No, father he disappeared in the sands during the First Dornish War. We should not go to war with these people. They are at peace. Our people are at peace. If we went to war, it would be another nine year, senseless war with thousands of casualties. The Dornishmen are still building back up from the first war. I hope you have an amazing hunt, father."

With that I left and went to my horse and Ser Callan.

  "Hello, Ser Callan." I muttered.

  "My Lady." He responded with a nod of his head.

  "You know I really do not need you with me today."

  "I know, my Lady, but your father has put me with you and if I leave I'm afraid he might kill me."

  "Alright, you may join me but have fun, no need to worry." I said, mounting my horse.


I had been doing fairly well in the hunt so far, a few deer, a boar, and a few rabbits.

"Tyrell." I heard as I lighting a fire. I stood up to find Lady Rhea standing on the other side of the flames.

"Lady Rhea, how nice to see you. I was just finishing up before heading back."

"Too bad you won't be heading back." She responded. Callan stood in front of me with his sword at the ready.

"Stand down, Ser Callan."

"But, my Lady-"

"I said, stand down Callan." I repeated watching as he walked over by a tree behind me. "You are a fool if you want to fight me, Rhea. You should just head back to your camp. I wouldn't want your father to worry about you."

And then she took charge.

"Stupid bronze bitch." I muttered before grabbing my own sword. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and made a clean line across her throat with my sword. "You should've listened to me Rhea. I'll be back Ser Callan."

I grabbed Rhea's hair and dragged her back to the site. It was dusk so it was still fairly light out. Dragging Rhea's body I walked right up to her family, followed by a few screams.

"If you wanted me dead, you should not have sent the bronze bitch after me. Consider this war, Lord Royce. Unless you all just want to fight right now. I will gladly slaughter your family right here in front of the kingdom."

I threw the body in front of them and waited for someone to come towards me.

"Incase you were wondering, she didn't even get a scratch on me." I said before finally walking away. Then a man came screaming towards me with his sword raised, a clean stab to the abdomen and he was down. "You are awful fighters, the whole lot of you."

I kicked him off my sword and one after another they came and were killed. The only ones left standing were the women.

"Men. They hardly think with their heads."

I turned around and was faced with Prince Daemon. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from House Royce towards the royal tent.

  "You just slaughtered forty men by yourself with only your sword." He said, sounding mad.

  "Yes I did. Would you like to be forty one?" I responded, cleaning off my sword.

  "How stupid-"

  "Let me stop you. I just slaughtered forty men from House Royce. They'll be seeking revenge because, well I just killed their head of house and every possible heir. Which means I must now prepare for war, which also means our wedding gets pushed back at least two months. Now, we don't have to get married for another three months. Three months of peaceful bliss. Well not peaceful because House Royce will be getting slaughtered. But, because our families are allies you will also be joining us in the war. I think it's pretty fair you get to have fun doing war stuff, I get to have fun doing war stuff and our families will obviously win and we get to split the land."

  "You are-"

  "A genius? A maniac? I never wish for there to be war, but they tried to kill me so now it's personal."

  "Why would they even come after you? Why could they possibly want from you? What do you have that's theirs?"

  "They believed that Lady Rhea would've been a better match for you. I hate you, Daemon, believe me I do. But, you're mine and I don't like having my stuff taken from me."

Arrangement of Peace | Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now