🍃 The Broken Promise 🌱

Start from the beginning

Kiyochi then gave Alyssa a hard glare. Kiyochi placed her hands down right back at her sides. Kiyochi then gave her a hard kick in the knee. Alyssa hiss in pain and fell down, landing on her butt.

Tears prickled at the side of her eyelash. With one eyes closed, she looked towards the crying girl. She looked like a crying child. A sweet little girl, wanting something that truly makes her happy.

Alyssa looked at Kiyochi. Kiyochi grunted her teeth once again, soon dashed off the opposite direction. Rockabiee then slowly opened the club room door and was met with Alyssa hissing in pain.

"Oh my gosh- what happened when I was in there??" Rockabiee panicked, running towards the blonde.
Alyssa gave her a reassuring smile. She remembered what Kiyochi had said. She felt bad then sighed. She kind of felt bad for ratting her and Rockabiee out. Alyssa sighed and said, "Nothing happened..I tripped..that's all..."

Rockabiee sighed and helped Alyssa go to the nurses office to help her knee and cheek. Rockabiee didn't believe Alyssa's excuses. Something happened, but she kept quite. After taking care of Alyssa's knee, she got a text from Kiyochi saying she had to go.

Rockabiee soon said that we couldn't really do this Art Club thing due to Alyssa's injuries. Rockabiee offered Alyssa to walk home with her. Alyssa agreed, knowing it will be difficult going home by herself in this state.

It was the next day at 3:30. Alyssa came a little early but thought nothing of it. She was always excited to go to this Art Club. Alyssa opened the door to the club room and was met with..an empty room?

Alyssa blinked 4 times to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her. But they weren't. No one was in the room. Rockabiee....nor Kiyochi. Of course Sketches wasn't gonna be here since she's on her trip.

Alyssa went in the club room and just sat there, waiting for her best friends to come. Alyssa used this time to think about the last events.
Kiyochi kicked slapped her across the face, kicking her in the knee. She thought about what had happened in that period of time, and what she said...

"N-no..just...don't tell her..please..I don't want it to happen again...I'm sure you don't want to too. Everything will be messed up..please..don't..!"


"I-I...I said not too!! Why? Do you hate us this much..?Do y-you want to s-see us s-suffer..?"

Alyssa pondered on what Kiyochi had said for far too long. Before she knew it, it was 3:45. Alyssa looked at the door again, she didn't see any faces or anyone in particular. Alyssa got up from her seat and walked towards the closet.

She last saw Kiyochi and Rockabiee together right here. She thought about them. She missed when everyone was together. Hybrid, Kiyochi, Rockabiee, and Sketches..
She missed them. She thought about something. She never really went inside the closet.

Alyssa turned her head to the opened closet. She saw a little light dangling from the roof. She searched for a light switch inside the closet. She didn't find anything in there so she checked behind the painted wooden door. There was a light switch there. She flicked the light up; she moved away from the door and went inside the closet.

There were shelves of books. At the bottom, there were multiple grey plastic buckets. She looked up at the second shelf and saw colorful small books. She went up to it and grabbed one of them.
She was confused.

It was a book-yes?-no?. The cover was on the back of the book. When reading a book, you start opening it from the right and continue on; however, this book starts from left and continue on from there. The pages were white, grey, and black. There were little speech-bubbles which had black words. She didn't understand how to read this..

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