Chapter 2

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"Caoimhe?!Caoimhe?!" The little girl with dark hair hears her favourite brother call. She quickly scrambles to shove the pile of Millard , her second favourite brothers, soaking wet books back into his book case.

If you were to ever meet this small girl, in the first 20 minutes of knowing her, she would more than likely be already causing mayhem somewhere close by. This moment, she has just used one of her peculiarities to try and annoy her older brother. It usually works.

"Yes Enoch?" She sings with her innocent little smile.

"Are you coming, we're all about to play 'Raid the village'?"

"Mmmh" Caoimhe hums as she runs down the stairs to meet up with the other 8 year old girl, Bronwyn Bruntley.

Enoch suspiciously takes a peak into the room he found her coming out of and rolls his eyes as he sees a puddle of water sitting in front of the bookcase. 'Just because she can, doesn't mean she has to' he's thinks to himself.

Caoimhe and Bronwyn head outside with Enoch following to find the rest of their family waiting impatiently for them.

"Ok then children, now I have the list of partners and what you all have to find right here!" Miss Peregrine exclaims to us all.

The youngest, physically anyway, Claire sqeals in anticipation.

"Now so we have Claire and Bronwyn,
Hugh and Millard,
Emma and Olive,
Enoch and Caoimhe,
Horace and Fiona
And lastly, the twins together."

After everyone was told what they need to get and where to get it, they all set of in their designated pairs.

"So we need to get Mrs.Drea's pearl necklace but she's a very light sleeper and her husband owns multiple guns and they have a big, aggressive dog,right?" Enoch asks in the girl.

"Right, easy ye!"

"Ye sure, easy..." He says, rolling his eyes at her enthusiasm.

Caoimhes pov

As Enoch and I quietly slip in the door that leads to Mrs and Mr. Drea's bedroom, all i can notice is the huge wardrobe in the corner that seems to just radiate power.

My head snaps around as I hear a high pitched screech behind me and I see Enoch trying to stop the door from moving.

'Stupid door, why couldn't Mr. Drea put some oil on the hinges so it doesn't do that'

"Mmmh, what was that,I can't see who's there?"
Mrs.Drea calls out into the darkness while trying to wake up her husband.

I put my finger to my lips and I grab Enochs wrist to pull him over to the wardrobe to hide until she falls back to sleep when she sees no one there.

After we get in we start to shuffle back, still trying to hide from the Dreas.

'How far does this wardrobe go?" Enoch questions as it seems to just keep going and going backwards.

"Aargh!!" I yelp as I trip and fall into by bottom.

"God it's cold back here!" Enoch states, not even turning around to see if I'm alright.

I scoff " Yes I'm fine thanks" I say turning around

I gasp in shock, it seems as though I can't pick my jaw back up.

"What is it.......what on earth..."

" You know, at the moment I'm not to sure we're actually on earth." I say in disbelief as I look around and the snowy landscape that surrounds us.

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