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The next morning I come to work. There are people in fancy suits walking and talking around the lobby. "Morning (Y/N)!" my co-worker Lola waves at me from far. Smiling back to her:"Morning, how was your date last night?". "Urgh, awful! The guy was total creep..!" she starts telling me. Lola is one of the assistants at the lobby, she helps me whenever miss Pepper Potts is not around. She's now out of town for a week. "You're so lucky (Y/N). Finding a desent boyfriend who won't ask nudes on first date is hard to find these days..." Lola sighs. "C'mon Lola, not all guys are like that." my voice turn into a whisper as we approach the elevators.

We step in one of them among some other business men. Right before the doors closes, someone stops the doors. "Excuse me." says the man and steps in among us. Everyone takes a step back, which makes my back go against the wall. It's harder to breathe in here..! Hard to tell who it is over these people, but I can immediately sense how everyone inside here gets their backs straight up. "Morning Captain." one of the business men greets. Captain? Getting on my tiptoes to see the man. All I can see is back of his head and wide shoulders. "Morning." low voice answers. It is him! The Captain America. To think that man has been waken up from ice after all those years. It's unbelievable! Corner of my eye I notice Lola next to me has sparkles in her eyes.

Bling-! The doors opens and some of the men walks out of there, so does the Captain. The doors closes again, leaving me and Lola alone in the lift. Before I could open my mouth, Lola starts:"Did you see that?!". Her excitment makes me jump a little:"Y-yes..?". "It was Steve Rogers, the Captain America!" her eyes sparkles like stars in the sky. Nodding couple times to her words:"Yeah, I've never seen him this close before.". "Neither have I! Even I've been working here quite some time now. This is my lucky day!" she giggles. Her fangirling makes me smile:"Big day for us then.". Wonder if I'll meet the Avengers someday..? The thought of that makes me nervous somehow.

Finally I arrive to the right floor. "Call me if you need anything. See you at lunch!" Lola waves and continues her way. Pressing a keycard, doors slides open and I enter to the lab. This is where mr. Stark works most of the time, when he's not having any meetings or other things to run. Can't quite understand all of these machines he's working on, but... That's not my job. All I need to do is to write down all of his notes, answer some calls and serve coffee every now and then. There's no one here yet. He's late, as always... As I walk towards the work desk, my eyes catches the Ironman suit that is inside a glass tube. It's so cool..! Even I've seen it now almost every day for three months, it still amazes me. Too bad mr. Stark isn't wearing it. For sake his and Pepper's relationship, he agreeded not to use it. I get it, but... It does feel like such a waiste, maybe? Somehow I relate to him.

Knowing mr. Stark will arrive any time soon, I go and make some coffee. While watching the hot liquid dripping down in the coffeemaker makes me doze for a moment. Is this what my life is now..? The need for excitement and feeling needed is missing. Then I hear the door opens and my head immediately turns to see who's entering. The boss walks deeper into the room:"Ah, you're early." he says with very blunt tone and keeps walking past me without any eye contact. Rolling my eyes a bit when he doesn't see. "Or maybe you are late, mr. Stark." giving him the costumerservise smile at him, even he has his back facing me. "The coffee will be ready soon." I inform. He pretty much ignores me, puts goggles on and starts working. "Right..." I sigh to myself and get his white mug with his logo on it.

While I'm pouring coffee into the mug, my phone starts buzzing. Quickly I check it. It's a notification from the app. New gig for the night?  "Miss (Y/L)?" mr. Stark voice brings me quickly back. My head snaps right up to lock eyes with him across the room:"Y-yes?". "I consider myself as pretty chill boss and everything, but when it comes to bringing me coffee... I might not be as patient." he says. Quickly put the phone back to my pocket:"Sorry! Coming right up..!" and rush to him. Hours goes by, and finally the lunch time began. Walking alone thru a park towards Lola's and my usual lunch place. I've finally the time to check my phone. Three messages from David, asking if we could hang out at lunch. Before I answer him I check the notification from earlier about that new gig. Eyes widens a bit as when I see who's the next target. Huh?

Winter Soldier x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें