Shocked In Love

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On April 20, 2155, a scientist named Dr. Zoran made her first human-like robot. She was young and wanted nothing more than making life easier for others. She wanted to make a robot with human like features. A robot that can help around the house, help lessen a busy life. They didn't need to be recharged to nor needs to get a battery changed. Finally, she was successful.

One day, Dr. Zoran wanted to let the new robot, called BT, walk around the lab to see how he going to act and if the program will work. BT was looking around the building.He accidentally wondered into a room with a unstable machine.He touched the machine and got badly shocked. When Dr. Zoran walked in then saw BT. She was cross because there was a huge "Do not enter" sign on the door.

"Dr. Alex can you help me carry BT back to the lab?" Dr. Zoran asked.

"Sure" Dr. Alex responded

Once in the repair room Dr. Zoran tried to fix BT. Dr. Alex and her went out on a date, leaving BT to reprogram. An hour later, BT woke up with a strange feeling in his head ignoring that feeling he went out to explore the city for the first time. Dr. Alex left the door open

After an hour and ten minutes, of walking in the city he paused to see a scene that was unpleasant to him. Dr. Alex and Dr. Zoran kissing in a alley way. The tech blood in his metal heart boiled with the word hate on top. Angry at the sight, all he can do was run back to the lab and wait for them to return...

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