Chapter 1

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Maybe it was the way I blamed myself or maybe it was because you were so young, we were so young. But a part of me broke that day, I realize now, that this was because you were my other half, you were that part.

I couldn't bring myself to go to your funeral, which made me feel more guilty. The love you gave me always felt like it came from a movie. In which, just like every typical movie, there's a useless character. In this case, a useless girlfriend. A girlfriend who can't even attend her own boyfriend's funeral. I feared that maybe if I attended, I would only blame myself more. But hearing my sorry excuse, I sound selfish. I was always your priority, but I couldn't even get myself together, and go see you one last time.

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling, every blink came with a tear, and every sniffle came with doubt. How was I going to live without you? Laying next to me was a pamphlet, your mom dropped it off at my house, as a token from your funeral, since I didn't go. The words "Lorenzo Herrera 2004-2022", were stamped across it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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