Chapter 2 Netherworld's Babyls Demon School, Meeting Sullivan and Iruma

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Okay, let's start!

Sullivan POV

Today's the day Noir and his master Rimuru are coming. I wonder what in the Netherworld did they mean rhat they're staying for two years. Either ways I've been asked to prepare for three guests. So I'll do it! My grandson, Iruma is still the cutest! Not Rimuru! Opera, please do escort the guests when they arrive. I said but no reply for a few minutes. They're already here, Lord Sullivan. said Opera. They're already here huh? Preparations have already been completed so might as well talk to them on the way. No- I was cut off by Noir. It's Diablo. Ehhhh?! What the heck?! He already has a name?! Now I am curious about this Rimuru person. Hardly anyone can give a name to someone like him. So where's your master? I asked with a little curiosity. He and Lady Milim has been right beside me the whole time. he answered discretely.
Hiya! I'm Rimuru Tempest. As you may have guessed we're here for a vacation from paperwork.

Rimuru POV

Hiya! I'm Rimuru Tempest. As you may have guessed we're here for a vacation from paperwork. I said. While it does seem true, I heard from Diablo that this guy is the Babyls Demon School principal. I kinda find it hard to believe. I really want to conduct an appraisal. Ciel? Can you? {Confirmed. This guy has an amount of magic that can go on par with Carrera, Testarossa, Diablo, and Ultima before your influence} Thank you Ciel! Now let's see if he will let us stay. Wahaha! I'm delighted to meet you! Name's Milim btw! Nice to meet ya! said the excited Milim. At least she's ecstatic about this. I said to Diablo. *A few minutes later * This is quite a luxury. I hope Milim won't destroy it. Anyways we are going to enroll in Babyls for our paperwork escapade. So, where's your beloved grandson? I asked. Iruma, your grandpa is calling! We have guests! he called Iruma over. Seems like he really loves him.

Iruma POV

I heard Grandpa say that we have guests. Wait a minute, did he say guests and not guest. That means, there are more than one guest. I have to keep my act on or else they'll find out that I'm a human! I'm so not going to get eaten! Then the moment I went downstairs a blue haired girl walked up to me and said: Are you a human? What do I do?! I got found out! Oh that huh? I'm just y-you're o-o-ordinary de-m-mon! I say stuttering.

Rimuru POV

Sullivan may have called his adopted grandson but I didn't expect that he was a human. Oh well, at least I know what he is. Whoa, whoa calm down kid. I said but it seems like he heard my conversation with Sullivan about me being a Demon Lord. It's normal for people to get scared, but honestly I don't want some kid to just fear me because of my status. Don't eat me! I'm not delicious! is what he keeps saying. Phooey, seems like getting his trust may have to rely on a one-on-one talk. I have to make it look like we want to play with Iruma. Hey Sullivan, Milim and I along with Iruma will have a little fun. I said and he allowed us.

Milim POV

Currently, I'm with Rimuru and Iruma, but why does the situation seem serious; it's like this: I'm not a demon 'kay! But you said you're a demon lord! Those two things are not the same!. This "conversation" may be just looooong as you can guess. But afterwards Rimuru had gone somewhere and returned quickly with an embarrassed face. I don't think I want to know what happened in there. ABSOLUTELY NOT! Either way it seems that Rimuru had successfully enrolled us in the demon school.

*a few days later*

Rimuru POV

Well, seems like a lot of students are anticipating the entrance ceremony speech given by the first years' top scorer which is Asmodeus, Alice. Can't wait like really!
After all it's been a while since I listened to someone's speech that is not pointed at me. Hey Ciel, what are the chances that I might get called out to the stage? {9%} Nice. It's quite low, how about Iruma? {80% is the chance of the individual Iruma could get called up on stage. Individual Milim Nava's chances are 41%} So in terms of probability Iruma has the highest chance to be called out. Poor guy though.

Iruma POV

While I'm thinking that I'm air, Rimuru is deep in thought. Well at least that she is feeling great (btw I heard from Grandpa that Rimuru will be a she and that she will wear a custom uniform; same goes for Milim). I'm feeling not so good. It feels like the pressure of being called; I so hope that I'm not called. Really nervous. Suddenly the school song was sung but it only made me feel worse. Afterwards, I had just recovered from nervousness when I was called up to the stage. What the hell?! This is so not funny, Gramps.

Rimuru POV

Ciel was spot on alright. He got called onstage. I could only watch and listen, he might as well do it I guess. When he was on he casted a forbidden spell (told by Ciel), all the students had a shocked look; can't blame them though, I'm also shocked myself. After the "speech" the supposed to be the one to deliver the speech challenged Iruma to a duel. Poor guy, I truly have sympathy for him. Go Iruma! Go Asmodeus!

Iruma POV

What the heck Rimuru?! I asked her as I dodged Asmodeus' fire magic. Good luck Iruma and Asmodeus! said Milim; what the hell?! Those 2 are not helping me at all! If magic will not hit you then I'll use martial arts against you instead! he said now holding a sword, and dashed at me. Sure, I dodged but he was about to hit a girl student when I decided to grab him and all of a sudden the spell that I casted earlier took effect and I performed a german suplex ( unintentionally).
Nice one, Iruma! said Rimuru, then looks at Asmodeus. Well, what are you going to do now, Alice? she asks him as soon as she wakes up in the infirmary (I was guided by Ciel; it was nearby so easy enough). I'm going to find Master Iruma. he said standing up, If you're going to look for him he's at his grandpa's office.


Me: Milim, you will not be able to beg for spoilers.
Milim: Really?
Me: Really? Like what I said I WILL NOT GIVE OUT SPOILERS!
Rimuru: Milim there is no point in doing that anymore right, Iruma and Alice?
Both: No begging for spoilers at all.
Me: Alice, do the outro.
Me: Iruma, do the outro please?🥺
Iruma: 'kay. Everyone, read, vote, and write a positive comment!
Me: no spoilers.

That Time I Found 2 Demon Lords In my yard(Mairimashita Iruma kun x tensura)Where stories live. Discover now