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"Aunt alice, this beef stew is truly delicious.. whats in it?" Albedo looked down at his small bowl in awe, it smelled and tasted rather good.

"Hehe~ its my personal recipe. Maybe i'll tell you when you're older." She smirked.

Aunt alice was most definitely fun to be with. She was an inventor, even though these days women were frowned upon for having these occupations, she was seen as respected by everyone in the village.

And then theres little klee, well.. she had.. 'interesting' ways of fun. She seems to have inherited her mothers chaotic energy and is practically the princess of havoc.
She insisted that she must sit next to albedo and give him a warm welcome. Albedo liked klee. She was what he could never be as a child.

Once the two finished their filling stew, aunt alice gave them some ice cream.

"I.. i havent had icecream before." He said out loud.
"What!? Never has klee met.. someone who has never eaten ice cream before!"
Even alice looked equally shocked but she smiled.

"Well, you'll like mine. Made from the freshest milk and the most tastful vanilla- you'll love it." Her and klee looked expectingly when they saw albedo stake a scoop from his bowl and up to his lips, when he took it in his mouth.

"Its good."

"Just good?"

"Well- yes. Personally i think it could use some more sweetness and it should be more cold. Possibly you could add chocolate to it-" he started rambling while alice and klee looked in shock.

Albedo realised the sudden atmosphere and immediately stopped talking as his face went red.

"Im sorry, i should finish it before it melts." He immediately stuffed his face with it, trying to distract himself from the embarrassment.

Alice started laughing and so did klee, and so did albedo. Until they were all in a silly laughing fit.

"Oh- hah! Oh albedo, you're truly a funny person arent you?" She giggled.

"Hah- i havent laughed this hard since- well.. a long time!" He smiled slightly.

"Now finish your ice cream, you'll get a stitch from all the laughing."

"Okay mummy!"

She opened her small handbag and gave albedo and klee a humbug, before getting out her chair.

Klee didnt waste time to finish her ice cream and stuff the mint in her mouth, smiling aswell, yet albedo decided to save it later.


"Yes klee?"

"Are you going to be like my big brother for now?" Albedo paused to think, then smiled.

"Yes. And i'll be as big brotherly as I possibly can be towards you." He saw klee smile.

"Yay~! Big brother albedo!" She then wrapped her arms around his waist.


"Here, you can have the guest room. I know its pretty shabby but.. im sure you can feel at home!" Alice placed her hand on his shoulder.

"No, its good. I like it."

The room was rather bland, but he didnt care. It was comfortable anyway.

"Turn off the lights before you go to bed alright?"

He nodded.

"Alright, goodnight albedo."

"Night aunt alice.." he heard the door close.

Adventure into the heart | kaebedoWhere stories live. Discover now