the inner me

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Black thick Hair

Hallow eyes full of hatred

Perfect for art

Always when he raises his eyebrows at me I feel flatterd.

The way he tries to sleep is magnificent to look at through the hole from the wall.

He always tries to ignore me but knows I will be there, because I got my mind on him.

Everywhere he goes I will be there too.

No escape

No refuse

No will

No option

No one else except me and him

He likes cats, me too. I like them very much, but back then people always said that I must have hated them.

No, I just wanted to see how they looked from the inside.

Ah Jongwoo, even now im thinking of him.

Our meeting was great, the thick clouds above us and the street lights from underneath us made it even better.

The night was alright and not too gloomy.

He always wants to talk to me in private when other people are there.

He looks so cute when he is scared. His eyes always widen with a shocked look on his face.

But when he smiles it's so much better. He rarely does towards me. Which makes me furious all the time.

When he doesn't smile to me like that like he did to Seokyoon my emotion will have actions on my artworks and on the others helping me.

Sometimes I even need to take a deep breath to keep this in. I'm not very different from others like they said.

Like Jongwoo, he always understands me.

He always gets Happy when I mention his Novel. His smile is worth everything i did. It makes me feel better.

More calm

More human

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