I wasn't sure if I should tell Daemon the true reason for why I learned to ride a dragon. I couldn't tell him that I was once smitten with him. If I told him I was once smitten, I would lose the war and while Daemon might think he's the stubborn one, he has no idea.

  "Because...?" Daemon asked, wanting to hear the rest of the story.

  "Because I wanted to be able to defend my people if the time ever came. However, as we may have once warred frequently with the Dornishmen, we have become passive. My people try not to engage in war as much anymore, like olden times before the Targaryen Era."

  "So that's why we are betrothed, because your people are pussies." Daemon provoked.

  "You are such a self righteous cunt. Here I am telling you my peoples longest secret, trying to be nice and all you can think about is the death of thousands of innocent people who want no part in a senseless, greedy war. Shall we call this engagement off and see who would really win? Or are you too much of a pussy to see your kingdom crumble underneath the boot of a little city?"

  " I can take on a whole twenty thousand man army by myself, I am not afraid of your puny city."

  "Oh please, you couldn't even take on ten. Would you like to draw swords right now? Because I made it perfectly clear a fortnight ago who would win. I only came out here to see the dragons, not get into a spat with you, once again. You may return inside if you would like, I know my way to the dragons."

  "If I return without you, our families will know something is wrong."

  "Fine, but keep your distance from me. You smell like dragon shit."

  "It's not me. It's Caraxes, he's a little...gassy."

  "Oh, there he is. I see his big head." I said staring in awe and picking up my walking speed. "Oh my gods, Daemon what are you feeding him?"

  "I don't, the caretakers do." He protested.

  "Hello." I said to the dragon in High Valyrian , holding up my hand to his snout so he could smell it. "Do you remember me. Oh my gods, he's beautiful Daemon."

The dragon nuzzled his snout into my hand and allowed me to move my hand farther along him.

"You have gotten so big. I swear, Daemon, if you even say dracarys right now. I will haunt you for the rest of your miserable life. I will make sure no whore-"

"I wasn't even thinking about it until you said something. So, you better watch how you speak to your prince or I'll just say one, tiny word."

"Don't even try me. I always keep my dragon close. I won't tell you where because I don't doubt you'll try to kill her."

  "Well why don't you bring her down here and our dragons can battle this little skirmish out for us."

"Fine, if you wished to see her, you could've just asked."

"Ceres!" I called and within a few minutes my dragon became visible. She was a bit smaller than Daemon's dragon but she was spectacular, green with speckles of gold, spikes that ran all around her, and an amazing set of wings. She was my baby. "You might want to move. Wouldn't want to get crushed by my dragon."

I watched as Ceres landed next to me and nudged me with her head. Then she went over to smell Caraxes and started to smell him and he returned the same favor. Then their tails started to simultaneously wag.

"No, no, no." I muttered, clearly annoyed. "Daemon make it stop!"

"Make what stop? What's happening?" He questioned.

"They're mating!" I complained. "Bad ceres. We need to go!"

I grabbed Daemon's hand and ran back towards the castle.

"What's going on?" He asked as we ran.

"They're mating!" I responded, slightly yelling as noises started to get louder.

"Mating? Absolutely not! Dra-"

Before Daemon could finish I pushed him to the ground.

"Don't you dare kill my dragon, I will behead you!" I shouted.

"How long is thing going to last?" He asked me, standing up and watched as our dragons ran out to the fields.

"Where's the caretaker at?" I asked him ignoring his question.

"How long is this going to last, Megaera?" He asked me again.

"Dragons mate for life. If we separate them for too long they become depressed and violent."

"So what happens if you go back to Highgarden until our wedding?"

"That's not for another month...I have to leave Ceres here for a month." I said, starting to tear up. "I've never left her for a month before. She's been by my side for the last six years."

"Well you should've never brought her down."

"You said instigated it, this all your fault! I'm going home."

Arrangement of Peace | Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now