"Holy shit. You got all my old friends here?" You asked as you looked at Troy.

"Yep, and it was not easy finding them," he said.

"Not true," Madelyn said. "He literally just found us on facebook and put us in a group chat together a month ago."

"Hey," Troy said. "It was difficult to find you on that stupid website, okay?"

You laughed. You didn't care what it took or how he got them here, you were just glad to see them again. They were your closest friends in the world, but all of them ended up moving to different states, while you and Troy stuck together. You hugged them all before sitting down.

"So, what's been going on in your lives? It's been so long I'm so excited," you said as you rested your forearms on the table.

"I don't know if you saw, but..." Taylor paused for dramatic effect. "We're all engaged."

You were speechless. Were you insanely far behind on the whole marriage thing? Did you need to find someone now? "Congratulations."

They laughed, but reality was starting to settle in for you, and you realised that you needed to catch up. You didn't want kids, but now you were placing your hand on your stomach, clutching it, almost as if you were holding onto your eggs to make sure that you wouldn't run out of them.

"But, seriously. How is everyone getting married and I don't even have a boyfriend?"

"You don't have a boyfriend?" Madelyn said in deadpan.

"We thought you did," Milly said.

"Well." You sighed. "It's complicated."

"Complicated?" Troy said and raised his eyebrows. "What happened to hating him a week ago? Did I miss a chapter?"

"Hating him?" Hailey gasped. "Girl, tell us everything."

"Oh god, where do I even start?" You said and facepalmed.

"Just tell us a few things about him," Hailey said.

You paused. Were you seriously about to air out your dirty laundry? Yes. Mostly because you needed an opinion on whether or not you should take him back. "Well, he's tall, he's kind, he's got long dark hair, erm–"

"He's rich," Troy added.

"Oh, that's really important," Taylor said and the girls nodded and agreed with her.

"It wasn't even about that, though. I... I loved him. He always listened, he was understanding and gentle, he even tracked down Liam, put him in jail and got me my paintings back."

"What?" They all said together.

"I thought Liam went off the grid," Milly said.

"Believe me, when you're rich, you can get away with a lot of shit, including bribing police officers into actually do their jobs," Troy said.

"Yeah, the cops showed up at my house this morning, and I called him and asked him if it was him and he confirmed it."

"Wow," Taylor said.

"That's not all," you said and crossed your arms. "He gave me an ultimatum. He said either I show up to his apartment tonight at ten so we can work things out, or he'll disappear from my life for good, just like I wanted."

"Is that even what you want?" Madelyn said.

"I don't know," you whined. "I'm just confused."

"Wait, why did you even break up in the first place?" Hailey asked.

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