Izuku Midoriya Bio

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Demon god transformation-

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°fallen angel: Allows the user to grow angel like wings but black or red

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fallen angel: Allows the user to grow angel like wings but black or red.

Abilities listed below:

Shadow manipulation
Darkness manipulation
Chaos manipulation
Fallen light
Lightning manipulation
Enhanced physical abilities
Mind manipulation 

armor creation: ( basically the same like Erza requip magic. But it doesn't give him any abilities other than shock absorption, shock nullification, )



Grimoire looks-


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apex predator: allows the user to transform into mythical, extinct, and alive creatures. Including transforming part of their body
To that of the creature.


mana: Users can create, shape, and manipulate mana, a magical form of life-force energy that is usually the spiritual fuel behind magic. Manipulating Mana can be used for many things as it could be used to harness mana that's already "tied up" inside of people, places, or objects. This could have offensive uses, as draining the mana from an enemy might harm them in some way. The power could also be used to channel, re-route, or otherwise twist mana that is already used for something. This could lead to counter-spelling, unraveling magical effects, or re-directing mana in use for other purposes. It may also be possible to destroy mana entirely, leading to anti-magic effects. It might also be possible for a user to find alternate, possibly more efficient, ways to use mana. It's very common for a user of Mana Manipulation to practice some kind of Magic. Mana Manipulation could even be considered a form or school of magic in some settings, such as the Prime sphere of Mage the Awakening. In rare cases it may even be possible for a user to create new mana from nothing.
Mana can be contained within an individual being. Examples of this are very common in video games and anime. In other settings it may be that mana cannot be personally stored, and so has to be contained in a sort of battery, often a liquid or a crystal. Similarly, mana may or may not be usable by individuals. It may instead be that mana must be channeled through the use of magical instruments. Mana can also exist in all things, and not just in humans. It may be a limited class of things which contain mana, or all things might exude/contain mana. Sometimes the source of the mana changes something about it, for example mana drawn from a place attuned to a certain element may be better suited to powering magic that is aligned with that element.
In real life, the concept of mana originates in Polynesian myth. There, it is said that mana was a kind of spiritual life force that suffused the universe and provided power. Mana could be gained or lost through certain actions, and certain places contained mana. In the Hawaiian belief Mana could be gained through doing certain "right" things, generally acts of violence or sexuality. In the Maori tradition Mana came from authority which was derived either through your bloodline/lineage("​whakapapa.​") or through your resources that you could use to give people gifts which would oblige them to you. In either case, it's important to note that mana is not just about spiritual energy but specifically about the power to do things. Those things might be accomplished through prayer to gods (which could potentially expend that mana), or it could be a means of doing things itself.
In contemporary fiction mana is most commonly used for specifically magical acts. The first time it was used in this context in the west was in a short story called Not Long Before the End by Larry Niven. Since then, it's become a mainstay of fantasy.
Magic: Users are able to utilize magic, the use of certain actions such as gestures, rituals and thoughts as well as symbols, formulae and other forms of language to utilize mysterious and/or supernatural forces that don't abide by conventional science or laws of reality to achieve any effect or phenomenon imaginable. They can do so to varying degrees, with only their skill, personal power-level, imagination/knowledge, and/or morality to define the borders. Given the flexibility of magic and their ability to transcend logic, laws, and common sense, its users have essentially limitless possibilities for what they can accomplish and achieve, essentially being capable of altering reality through their magic.
All magic is fueled by magical energies, like mana or other potential sources, such as energies from arcane beings. Without the necessary energy/source to fuel magic into existence it would be simply powerless practices and pure myths. Overall magic by its purest nature and concept is a mystic forces that roots variants forms of magics throughout the supernatural world.
Users themselves who wield magic can fundamentally inherit esoteric qualities, traits that empowers the user on the kind of magic that they use, having all the passive and active aspects that makes the functionalities of their magic to work on the intentions and ideals within both the user and magical laws and rules that are bound to the magical world, for example an elementalist who has elemental magic can gain all the traits and abilities based of the elements themselves as well as having an entire status of the elements that intertwines with their own physiological nature


Incubus: user with this ability either is or can transform into Incubus ( plural incubi is derived from late latin incubo “ a nightmare induced by such a demon" from incubare "to lie upon), a is a demon or supernatural being in male form who according to mythological and legendary traditions, lies and seduce women in their dreams in order to engage in sexual activity with them.

Users with this power gain usually boosted strength, speed, supernatural level of beauty and some magical abilities, especially dealing with illusions and mental manipulation, physical changes include fangs, claws, pointed tail and wings.

In many folklores, incubi were thought to be demons who had sexual relations with women sometimes for the purpose of producing a child creating a camion hybrid.


bloodlust/killing intent: Users can utilize killing intent of themselves or others in three ways:

Exudation: Users can give off their murderous intent in a similar fashion to Menacing Presence, most likely affecting their opponents and even their environment in some cases. Particularly strong killing intent can achieve a variety of effects, paralyzing the victims in fear at the most simple level, and causing them to morbidly hallucinate their own deaths, or even kill them by forcing the mind to believe their death is a reality in more severe cases.

Perception: Users are able to observe and sense their target's killing intent, usually enabling them to track and predict where and when their opponents are going to strike in similar fashion to Precognition and Attack Prediction.

Suppression: Users can nullify and control their own killing intent, usually reducing them to a apathetic state, which can prevent their opponents from discovering and sensing it, thus hiding one's motives and preventing one from being tracked.


stealth: the user, either innately or through training, is a master of stealth, assassination, evading being tracked, etc. They can also use this knowledge to counter any stealth-based attacks and/or surveillance. The user can move around without leaving any trace, if they do leave behind a trace such as broken sticks or disturbed leaves, to the less observant eye, it would only be said to be wild animals.


That's all I'm tired so I'll update the rest better and fix. Up some things

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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