“Sounds like a good idea,” Jian Yiheng commented. He just finished exercising. He was interested in anything related to fitness.

Jian Yumin also expressed his approval: “Sounds good. I will bring my wife along. I’ll participate in rock climbing whilst my wife watches. That’s not a problem right?”

“Not… A problem…” Luo Xiuen replied slowly as she looked sympathetically at Cheng Yi.

Brother Cheng Yi… I’m sorry about this. I can’t help you out here.

Cheng Yi thought to himself: Ahhh why did Zhai Yunsheng have to ruin his plans?

After thinking about it a bit further, Cheng Yi realized that even though there were going to be more people present, he still had a chance to get along with Miss Long.

Before eating, Long Yuetian got up to go to the bathroom.

Just as she was about to enter the bathroom, a tall figure suddenly appeared and blocked her way.

When she looked up, she saw Zhai Zhongshen.

Long Yuetian took a step back as Zhai Zhongshen stood still and looked at her.

“Is there something wrong?” Long Yuetian asked whilst looking elsewhere. For some reason, she did not dare to look directly into his eyes.


Chapter 1367: Zhai Zhongshen’s Rival (4)

Translator: Exodus Tales  
Editor: Exodus Tales

“Nothing,” Zhai Zhongshen replied. Despite saying this, he stayed in place and did not give way to Long Yuetian.

“Then shouldn’t you…” Long Yuetian started. She didn’t know what to say.

“Are you not used to it?” Zhai Zhongshen asked.

Long Yuetian took a deep breath and replied: “Second Master of the Zhai family, I need a little time to get used to things. Please don’t get so close to me right now.”

“Okay,” Zhai Zhongshen answered as he took two steps backward.

Long Yuetian quickly stepped past him and rushed back to the living room.

After dinner, Long Yuetian chatted and played games with Jian Yiling and Luo Xiuen for a while.

Then, when it was time to go home, Master Zhai once again asked his son to send Long Yuetian off.

Naturally, he knew that Long Yuetian once again drove herself here today.

“Master Zhai, there’s no need for this. I drove here,” Long Yuetian explained with a smile.

“But the chocolate you just ate is alcoholic. You will be fined by the police if you drive,” Master Zhai explained with a smile.

Long Yuetian: “,,,”

Just now, Master Zhai brought in a large box of chocolates for everyone to taste. He said he ordered it from an expert chocolatier.

As Master Zhai asked them to try the chocolates out, Long Yueitan did not want to say no. After all, she wanted to show her appreciation and respect.

And yet…

To create one on one opportunities with a potential date for his son, Master Zhai was willing to do anything.

“Master Zhai, I can help Miss Long to drive her and her car back home,” Cheng Yi offered.

Upon hearing this, Master Zhai thought to himself, where did this brat come from?

✔️ (Part 2) 女配她成了大佬حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن