Pokemon -I choose you!

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When children turn 10, they become independent and chase behind their dreams, along with a trusty frnd who come in different shapes, sizes and colours with supernatural ability unique to themselves called "Pokémon". Today it's the time of our hero, aura guardian Ash to start his journey to become a Pokémon master a dream he dreamt as a child.

Early morning with the call of dodrio, Ash woke up, he quickly did his training and gets his bagpack ready. He packed several sets of his clothes with some rubber gloves and rope. Along with these he packed some packed human food and Pokémon food. A water bottle, his sleeping bag and Ashley's bracelet. He placed the bracelet in the hidden interior pocket of the bagpack. He then wears his dress, adjusts his hat and hair, now he is ready to start his journey to be a Pokémon master.. and a king.

He went downstairs to greet his mom. She made him his favourite breakfast, Hot pancakes with maple syrup and blueberries on top [ Just my favourite breakfast 😋. They taste very good, Worth a try don't y'all think ]. As he ate his breakfast his mom nagged him to not exhaust himself, eat on time, stay away from dangerous places and change his underwear regularly. Ash nods to his mom's nagging as he ate his breakfast. After he was done,he wishes his mom farewell. When he exits the door of his home, he hugs Delia tightly once, then runs towards the lab.

After reaching the lab, it was empty. When he was about to enter the lab, a car with high speed stopped in front of him. He coughed up from all the dirt it raised up. When the dust cleared it was none other than his frnd and rival-Gary Oak. He was accompanied by several ladies. "What a cheeky ass he is. I think he forgot that we are going to being out journey to be a Pokémon trainer not a celebrity " thinks Ash as he sighs. "Oh hey there, 'Ashy boy' what brings you here, so early. Weren't you going to late as usual, Slowpoke"says Gary. "First, shut up with the 'Ashy boy' stuff. Second, i am gonna get the best Pokémon their is in the lab. And become the best Pokémon trainer."says Ash with a smug look. "Hah, you think you can get the best Pokémon in the presence of me- Gary the best. Then think again, loser. Grandpa said he has reserved the best Pokémon for me. You can forget about getting the best Pokémon. Cya later slowpoke."says Gary as he walks ahead of him to the lab. The ladies cheered for him as he walks towards the lab. "Gary! Gary! Gary is the best! Gary is the winner, the rest are all waste! Waste! Gary! Gary!Gary is the best! The rest are waste! waste!"shouts the cheerleaders and they shake pompom in their hands which they got from nowhere. Ash sighs and moves towards the lab.

When he enters, the lab he saw Gary waiting for him in the hallway. When he nears him, Gary hugs him from shoulder to shoulder and asks, "Yo, So what Pokémon are ya gonna get. And what with this... Stupid appearance?" He eyes Ash from head to toe. "About your first question, aunt Ilene has delivered a Pokémon for me. So i have no option of choice. And as for the second question, the previous appearance of mine was too eye catching. This form is rather comfortable and not too eye catching."says Ash. "Tsk... Well sad for ya. I'll get some girl's for ya ,don't ya worry."says Gary patting Ash. "There is no need, Gary. I don't have time for girl's."says Ash. "Oh yh. How can you, afterall you already have a sweetheart.. Xiovi. I'm right is it?"says Gary looking at Ash in a taunting way. " You and your misunderstanding. I have no interest in making you understand the real case. Think whatever you wanna think."says Ash. "Oh... So you won't mind if i take Xiovi. Don't ya?"says Gary. Ash glares at him in a frndly anger. "Whoa whoa... Cool it down, bro. Xiovi is not my cup of tea. She sure is pretty, but the way she behaves is not something i can handle. I'll pass on her."says Gary. Ash nods and walks inside the distribution room, Gary follows him from behind.Inside the room, their were 3 pokéballs lined up on a counter. Containing 3 different starter Pokémon for the new trainers to choose from.

•First pokéball, had Charmander. A fire type lizard Pokémon. They have a reddish-orange body with 3 fingers and toes. It stands in two feets balancing itself with its long tail. On the tip of the burns a ever buring flame.

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