Steve Harrington X Munson!Reader - Mama Said

Start from the beginning

Steve didn't say another word until you were back in his car, his fingers brushing over your knuckles lightly. "I've got an ice pack in the freezer, should stop any swelling," he hummed softly. "Wayne's going to lose his shit when he finds out that you've been going around beating people up for picking on Eddie," he added. 

A soft snort of laughter slipped out of you, drawing his attention up to your face. "When I was like 13, Wayne's work had a company picnic and he insisted that even though it was going to suck, Eddie and I had to go with him. I had this summer dress that I absolutely loved and I wore it out to this thing, right," you paused for a moment, another snort of laughter slipping out of you. "Well, there was this guy that worked there with Wayne and he was this proper staunch conservative guy. Real hardcore Christian, you know? So, I'm sitting there enjoying the sunshine and he thinks it's appropriate to call me a slut. I'm pretty sure I didn't even know what it meant, but Wayne sure did. He beat the shit out of the guy in the middle of this company picnic. Got himself put on probation for 6 months." 

"Jesus," Steve murmured. 

"Yeah, we love hard in our family. And Eddie would do the exact same for me," you hummed, letting out a soft sigh. "Look, I know Eddie isn't perfect, but he's not a bad guy. He just likes different stuff to other people."

Steve used your hand to tug you a little closer, wrapping his free arm around you in an awkwardly positioned hug. "I know, Baby," he breathed out. "The kids at school just don't know him like you do. If they did, they wouldn't be such assholes."

You both sat quietly for a moment, your head tucked into his shoulder as you breathed him in. "Do you mind if we have movie night at mine tonight?" you murmured against him. "Kinda want to be around Eddie too," you added softly.

"You think he wants to watch Footloose?" Steve teased softly, drawing a snort of laughter out of you. 

"We might have to pick out a different movie," you confirmed. 

Steve pulled back slightly, enjoying the smile on your face. "We can swing by the video store on the way to yours," he told you. "And we can grab some extra popcorn too, he always hogs the bowl-"

"You're amazing, you know that?" you breathed out, smiling sweetly at him. "There aren't many guys who would give up being in an empty house with their girlfriend all night so that they can hang out with her brother too, you know?"

"Maybe I'm just crazy," he hummed.

"Crazy cute," you confirmed, chuckling when he grinned at the compliment. "I'm just lucky that I chose a good one, huh?"

"And I'm lucky you chose him too," he murmured, pulling you into a quick kiss.

*Time Skip*

Your plan hadn't really worked out. When you'd pulled up to the trailer with all of the movie night essentials, Eddie's van was still gone, and Wayne had already headed out to work. So, you'd given in and curled up in front of the TV with Footloose playing. 

By the time Eddie had actually come home, you were already passed out on Steve's chest. 

"I thought you guys were staying at your place tonight," Eddie hummed, brow furrowed slightly at the sight in front of him. 

"Y/N wanted to stay here instead," Steve murmured, glancing down at you, still fast asleep against him. "Did you hear about what happened with Jason?"

Eddie nodded slightly. "All I heard is that she freaked out and broke his nose over nothing."

"He was talking shit and she threw a damn good punch," Steve uttered, shaking his head slightly. "She can't stand people talking bad about you-"

"About me?" 

Steve nodded. "She said you would've done the same for her," he hummed.

Eddie nodded again, swallowing the lump in his throat. "You mind if I join you guys?"

Steve smiled, gesturing towards the kitchen. "There's more popcorn on the counter."

"Fuck yes," he uttered, quickly moving over to where Steve had pointed. You stirred slightly at the movement, sitting up a little straighter in your seat.

"Hey," you murmured softly, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. 

"Hey, Bruiser," Eddie teased, pouring the popcorn into a bowl. "How's the hand?"

You glared playfully at him. "It's fine. Steve took good care of me," you uttered. "We got Dawn of the Dead, Halloween, or Exorcist. You joining?"

"Dawn of the Dead? I wouldn't miss that for the world," he hummed, gathering up the bowl and making his way over. "Shove up, Bruiser."

You rolled your eyes as you did as you were told. "That's not going away any time soon, is it?"

"Never," he murmured, slumping down beside you.

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