011. Quidditch practice

Start from the beginning

"Yeah. Some lights would come out of my wand but never enough to produce a full image." James thought for a second.

"Maybe I can help?" James inquired. She looked up at him with surprise. She raised her eyebrows at the boy.

"You really think you can teach me?" Eva asked. The boy stayed silent for a second as they shared eye contact.

"Yeah! Remus taught me. How hard can it be?" James smiled.

"Okay. Let's give it a try," Eva said.

"Great! Meet me here tomorrow night," James bit his lip, trying to hide his excitement. He got to spend more time with her. He was overjoyed. Eva smiled at the boy who seemed to be lost in thought, both not noticing that the bright silver stag had disappeared.

♡ ♡ ♡

Like the enchanted sky predicts, the day was set
out to be endearing in the least. You see Eva loved the rain however the weather in Scotland had started to become colder in the worst way. She had a love-hate relationship with the weather right now. The sky was gray. And it wasn't your typical is-raining-soon-light gray type of color, it was a dark shade of gray that stained the sky. There was no rain, it was just- dark.

With the sounds of the howling wind, it brought a hurried Gryffindor, scampering his way down the aisles to his designated table for breakfast while trying to knot his red and gold tie. Eva looked up at the boy. His hair was tousled gently, small wafts of chestnut tresses venturing out of its place, and his shirt was untucked chaotically from his trousers, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His Gryffindor robe seemed to have been ditched completely.

Eva took a deep breath. James Potter dropped to the bench, next to Eva, allowing his fumbling fingers to continue fixing his tie, as he'd been doing for the duration of his journey to breakfast. James Potter seemed to have ultimately given up on the tie and had sighed frustratedly, tossing the tie on the table.

Eva raised an eyebrow at the messy-haired boy, watching as he started pouring some cereal into a bowl. James noticed this. "What?"

She pursed her lip in amusement. "Nothing," she shook her head. "You want me to help you?"

"What?" James seemed out of it. She pointed to the tie.

"Oh yeah!" James nodded. She smiled and shook her head before scooting closer to him, turning her body and wrapping her leg around the bench to look at him. She picked up his tie and carefully slid her hands around his neck wrapping the tie around his collar. She then tied it and made it centered. When she looked up he was just staring at her. She flashed him a smile before smoothing out his shirt, trying to fix the wrinkles. Her hand rested on his chest feeling his abs through the white canvas shirt. She felt him breathe in deeply as he tensed under her touch. She looked up at him once more and ignored the warmth she felt in her cheeks. She looked away again and turning her body to focusing her attention on the toast in front of her, not missing the way his face flushed with a red tint.

Sirius smirked while Remus and Peter shared eye contact. See it's not a surprise that the group's day started off with James shoving Sirius's face in a cereal bowl. The idiot had stared at him a great while, watching the way he glanced to his right and, blushing furiously, fumbled with his fork for a good two minutes. It happened more than three times. Finally, the Casanova had had enough.

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