Jim Hopper X Reader - She's The One

Start from the beginning

He bit back laughter. "You can call me for that stuff, you know? I'll come over and show you what to do."

You let out a soft sigh. "That's so embarrassing through; having to call my boss whenever I can't do something for myself-"

"Everyone has to learn somehow," he hummed, giving you a small shrug. "My dad taught me this stuff when I was in high school. I'm happy to pass on his teachings." You still looked a little hesitant, so he picked up a hammer, handing it over to you. "I'll tell you what to do and you can do it all by yourself, alright?" 


He waved his hand at you, stopping you before you could complain. "You're going to need to knock on the wall, try to find a stud that you can put the nails into-"

"I don't even know what a stud is," you murmured, staring at the wall with furrowed brows.

He chuckled softly. "A stud is what they call the beams inside the walls. So, if you knock here-" he paused, tapping his knuckle to the wall. "You hear that? It's hollow. You don't want to hang a shelf there or it'll fall straight off the wall when you put any weight on it," he explained. "But if you tap here-" he did it again, a couple of inches to the right. "You hear the difference? That bit isn't hollow, so there's a beam back there. It'll hold the nail a hell of a lot better, alright?" 

You nodded, still looking a little flustered with the hammer gripped tightly in both hands. "Now what?"

"Now, we choose the height we want to put it at and make sure both sides are going to be level."

Hopper had walked you through the entire process, even leaving you to put the nails into the wall by yourself, with a little bit of added encouragement. 

"There you go, Sweetheart," he hummed, placing the hammer down on the shelf to show how effective it was. "And you did it all by yourself," he added, sending you a sweet smile as you did a little victory dance beside him. 

God, you really were the most adorable person he had ever met and at that moment, he couldn't help the overwhelmingly domestic feeling that was surrounding you. Being here in your home, helping you with your DIY, knowing that you were so damn excited about him teaching you something so simple. It was just incredible.

"So, this might be a little shameless for me to ask, but there are some patches of wallpaper in the living room that I'm too short to reach-"

"Point me in the right direction and I'll get it sorted for you," he interrupted. 

"You sure I'm not keeping you?"

He shook his head. "You're not keeping me from anything, Sweetheart."

"Okay, well, I'm going to order a pizza to say thank you. And there's beer in the fridge too, if you want one."

"That'd be perfect," he confirmed, moving past you into the living room and picking up the scraper from the window ledge. When he glanced back, you were leaning in the doorway, watching him with a small smile. "Alright back there?"

You hummed out a soft agreement. "This is really nice of you," you murmured. "I sort of assumed that in a small town people would be standoffish, but you've been so kind to me."

"Yeah, well, I knew you were worth being nice to from the moment I met you, so there's no worry there."

Your brow furrowed slightly. "Really?"

He hummed out an agreement, getting back to work on the wallpaper, not really thinking about what he was saying. "God, you were so pretty that I forgot how to think properly-"

"You think I'm pretty?"

Hopper stilled slightly, his shoulders tensing until he glance back to find you smiling at him. "You're beautiful," he uttered.

"Yeah, well the feeling's mutual," you murmured, head tilting to the side slightly. "Thought you looked so handsome in your uniform-"

"Don't flirt with me if you don't intend on letting me take you out sometime soon," he breathed out. "Please," he added softly. 

There was a little twinkle in your eye as you smiled at him. "I'd love to go out with you." He looked a little shocked for a moment, stuck on the spot. "Where are you going to take me?"

"Anywhere you want to go," he told you softly, swallowing down the nervous lump forming in his throat. "Whenever. Wherever."

"Surprise me," you started. "Just give me a date and a time once you've made the plans."


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