Duryodhana, Ashwathama and Karna reached the chamber of Duryodhana. There were several pieces of clothing lying on the bed along with various pieces of jewelry. Both Bhanumati and Draupadi were looking at everything and matching them.

Draupadi: Bhanu, you know for this angavastram the Shopkeeper was asking for 5s gold coins but I haggled with him and brought the price to One gold coin. Let me tell you, if you don't haggle they will charge outrageous prices.

Bhanu was looking at the cloth in her hand. According to her 5 gold coins were fair enough because she could see the exquisite workmanship on it. And the cloth was muslin which was one of the costliest materials for clothing. She wanted to say something but the proud expression of Draupadi was not allowing her to do so.

Draupadi didn't stop there, she was showing off her skills of haggling for everything and in between they were trying to mix and match the clothes with jewelry.

The males there were aware that their presence wasn't registered to ladies there. But that wasn't a problem for them now. Ashwathama and Duryodhana were looking at Karna with strange expressions while feeling their gazes. Karna could do nothing, though he didn't want to be very expressive but he had a smile on his face seeing happy Draupadi.

Ashwathama: What an incredible couple? Husband donates without reservation but the wife haggles with merchants.

Duryodhana: It seems our sister is the smart one among them. At Least she knows the value of hard earned money unlike someone else.

Though they both said utmost seriousness but Karna could feel teasing dropping off them. He couldn't help being embarrassed. In fact he paid generously to those shopkeepers and even had to reveal his identity for them to agree to put down the price but seeing the happiness of Draupadi and the accomplishment she felt after successful bargaining he couldn't ask her to not do that. Was he embarrassed, yes? Would he mind doing it again? Absolutely. Now that his friends are teasing him he couldn't help but be embarrassed again and that caused Roaring laughter which attracted the attention of ladies.

Draupadi: Oh! you all are here! Why were you laughing?

Ashwathama: Nothing behna, we just shared a joke.

Draupadi: Oh!!!

On the other hand Bhanumati seeing two of them laughing and her brother embarrassed could guess what had happened. Even she couldn't help but a smile escaped her mouth. She gets to know the details of yesterday shopping and somewhat could reach some conclusions. Her brother and bhabhi have a special place for each other in their heart but still they either don't know what to think of it or maybe one of them knows but doesn't want to let the other person know. Their marriage was as complicated as it could be and she knew it would need time but that will not stop her from being cupid for them.

Bhanumati: Since everyone is here. Why don't you help us as well?

Draupadi: Yes, yes. Help us.

Now the colour drained from the faces of men there except Karna who knows sringar. For the other two, They are much more comfortable in facing enemies than figuring out which jewelry suits which clothes but now they can't escape either. Now was the time Karna laughed at them, paying them back for teasing him earlier. They couldn't escape the rate and had to help or according to ladies has increased their task.

Bhanumati: Oh! Ho! What are you doing Aarya and Ashwathama? Are you here to help us or increase our task? Learn something from Bharata. See how he is so good at it.

Draupadi: Really Bharaton, what is wrong with your fashion sense?

Ashwathama (snorted): Do both of you think, like Vasusen, we are masters of Srinagar. In fact what's need for matching everything. Both jewelry and clothes are good; anything can go with anything.

Ashwathama was a patient man but 2 hours of this was the limit he could withstand. Duryodhana on the other hand, though frustrated, didn't say anything because he knew it would do more good than harm. He was even looking at Ashwathama with pity knowing what's going to happen. He wasn't disappointed as he saw both the ladies glaring at him and Ashwathama the mighty warrior, king of Panchal, son of Dronacharya cowering.

Draupadi: So according to you we are wasting our time Bharata?

Bhanumati: We are working so hard and you are saying this.

The fury of two ladies fell on him and he looked at his two so-called best friends who instead pacifying their wife were enjoying his misery. Traitors. What else could he do now except accept his fate and hope this nightmare ends. It took one more hour and everything was done. With the help of maids everything was sent in chambers of Kauravas and only the ladies let them go.

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