Chapter 2

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The atmosphere in the cab was tense, each of them afraid to talk freely, mainly due to not knowing how to begin and also due to the cab driver listening keenly, his eyes darting from one to another. His intrigue was probably doubled due to the fact that within the close confinement of the car, the constant vibrating sounds of both their phones were like a musical orchestra, which both of them studiously ignored. Before climbing back in, Yagiz had pulled a cap low on his forehead and a pair of spectacles that changed his entire face. Hazan instantly understood the reason for this changed look. Since the sensational scandal broke two days ago, the press is on his tail perusing him wherever he goes to get the juiciest information. Hazan pulled the scarf securely over her head, partly covering her face and Yagiz looked at her silently with a slight nod. 

The cab ate up the miles quickly and Hazan was vaguely aware that they were travelling towards the international airport. Of course, he was going. She knew it as well as she knew her name. There was no life remaining here for him, Sinan had made sure of that. This city , this country will make sure that he will not be able to get up again. And what right does she has to stop him? She has been a coward and betrayed him, along with them. She was a fool who inadvertently sided with them, to hide his truth, naively believing that she is protecting him. She , who should have been the one to tell him the truth and to stay with him through his ordeal, taking care of him, is now his worst enemy. Hazan tried hard to blink back tears. Tears will only do more damage now.

As she guessed, the cab finally stopped near a row of exclusive boutiques within walking distance from the airport. The entered through a discreet side entrance and travelled up to the second floor in elevator, Hazan all the time trying not to stare at the two big travelling bags nestled between them in the cramped space.

Entering the small exclusive apartment that he booked for a day on the second floor under a false name, this time he has not even got Erdal involved, Yagiz was trying to gauge Hazan's mood. She was walking ahead of him, looking stoically ahead and anyone looking would say that she was walking confidently. But knowing her as the back of his hand, he could see that she is fighting hard to keep tears at bay and was extremely rattled, the way she slightly leaned on to the wall of the corridor from time to time. It was a physical pain for him to witness these from the feisty Hazan who has wrestled with him often.

"Take a seat Hazan" Yagiz ushered her into the living room, where a tasteful couch and a small dining table rested. He wheeled his suitcases near the front door, no point carting it back from the room tomorrow and threw his jacket on the bed of the only room, which he vaguely saw as luxurious. Doesn't make the slightest difference, Yagiz thought savagely, given that he will stay here less than 24 hours. When he returned, Hazan also has taken off her jacket and was seated on the edge of the couch. The jagged edges of her hair were swirling in her fingers, a sure sign of her nervousness. Yagiz automatically walked towards her corner of the couch but managed to stop just in time. If anything is to be achieved, they need to keep their heads straight. He sat in the single chair opposite her instead as a wave of infinite tiredness hit him. He has not eaten or slept for two days and he has not even sat down properly for almost 24 hours. He felt the luxury of his body sinking to the plush leather, briefly closing his eyes, enjoying the sensation. It was short-lived though because the jarring sound of a phone vibrating broke through again. He opened his eyes to see Hazan cutting the call, muttering to herself.

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