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That's right, Clara Diggory is back! If you're new, I recommend you go read the first in the series, "Clara Diggory, Girl of Secrets". If you're not new, then welcome back! After a long wait, I've finally gotten round to it! I'm hoping to update regularly!

That was three exclamation marks in a row, Dear Merlin.

Anyway, on with the prologue...

I was floating.

I didn't know how I was doing it, but I was there, floating in midair. In a clear night sky, for that matter, empty of clouds, only stars dotted across the inky blue.

I knew every star. I could name each one, tell you where it came from, how old it was, all of it, if you asked me.

I closed my eyes. I could feel the wind rushing through my hair, blowing gently against my fingers.

I began to feel the cool sensation of raindrops on my skin, getting colder and colder until it began to take the different texture of snow. Opening my eyes, I unfolded my closed palm - and felt a small shock to see a perfectly formed snowflake, unmelted.

The wind blew harsher, and suddenly I was in a forest, surrounded by trees and leaves. In front of me was a doe, staring at me intently. Carefully, I stepped forward - and a twig snapped under my foot.

Instead of dashing away, like I'd expected, the animal simply carried on looking at me with its wide, understanding eyes. I levelled my gaze at it - and suddenly I could understand the creature. I knew everything about it, somehow, like with the stars.

Out of nowhere, a wild wolf jumped from between the trees - just a normal wolf, not a werewolf, although how I could tell the difference between the two, I had no idea. In my shock, I... disappeared.

Honestly, I disappeared. I was still there, but... invisible.

I was suddenly jolted out of wonder at this ability by the alarmed cry of the deer. I dashed in front of it, wondering how on earth I was going to stop the predator, and it slashed my arm. I thrust both arms out in front of me, not knowing what on earth I was doing - and the wolf was thrown backwards into a tree.

I glanced down at my bleeding leg, only to see a silver, instead of scarlet, substance tracking down it. Sitting down on the forest floor, I was about to examine it -

I woke up with a sharp jolt, sitting upright. I then closed my eyes and sighed - again?

These dreams had been happening for almost a month now, but I didn't dare to tell anyone. Cedric would go all protective and tell Mum, Mum would tell Dad, and then he'd start thinking I was the devil's new reincarnation or something.

It was identical every time - except each dream for further and further. It wasn't like they were nightmares, either - why did a dream where I had cool powers bother me so much?

I'd spent the summer doing homework, writing to Ginny - who was in Egypt with her family - and hiding in my bedroom. Cedric was spending as much time that was physically possible with his Durmstrang friends now, seeing as this year he was joining me at Hogwarts.

We'd both been furious - Cedric because he didn't want to be dragged away from his friends, and me because I didn't need watching over like some troublesome toddler, and it was ridiculously unfair on my brother. But, our father had insisted. I had to be "kept a close eye on" now.

I could only imagine what he'd think if he found out I was friends with Draco Malfoy.

I looked at the clock - half midnight, the 31st July. Less than 24 hours until my birthday - and Harry was thirteen now. I hadn't spoken to him all summer, because Ginny had written me warning that he would get in trouble with the Dursleys if anyone called there.

Something tapped at my window. Confused, I opened it, to see a snowy white owl perched on the windowsill. I recognised the bird as Hedwig, and smiled, opening the window further.

I grabbed the envelope holding the birthday card I'd written for Harry inside, and then opened my bedside cabinet and drew out the large wrapped box of Chocolate Frogs - I knew he collected them. Hedwig held out her foot for me to tie on the package and attached card, and then flew out of the window. Shutting it carefully so it didn't make a sound, I then crept back into bed.


My birthday was uneventful. Ginny had written to me, and so had Draco. Harry had also written, thanking me for the present and giving one in return. Cedric had gotten me all of the books I needed for next year, plus some extra ones, and my parents had gotten me a range of things. I hadn't felt this comfortable around my father in weeks, and Cedric actually stuck around for once. The only thing that was weird was the horribly uneasy feeling I felt as I climbed under my covers to go to sleep that night.

I was floating.

I didn't know how I was doing it, but I was there, floating in midair. In a clear night sky, for that matter, empty of clouds, only stars dotted across the inky blue.

I knew every star. I could name each one, tell you where it came from, how old it was, all of it, if you asked me.

I closed my eyes. I could feel the wind rushing through my hair, blowing gently against my fingers.

I began to feel the cool sensation of raindrops on my skin, getting colder and colder until it began to take the different texture of snow. Opening my eyes, I unfolded my closed palm - and felt a small shock to see a perfectly formed snowflake, unmelted.

The wind blew harsher, and suddenly I was in a forest, surrounded by trees and leaves. In front of me was a doe, staring at me intently. Carefully, I stepped forward - and a twig snapped under my foot.

Instead of dashing away, like I'd expected, the animal simply carried on looking at me with its wide, understanding eyes. I levelled my gaze at it - and suddenly I could understand the creature. I knew everything about it, somehow, like with the stars.

Out of nowhere, a wild wolf jumped from between the trees - just a normal wolf, not a werewolf, although how I could tell the difference between the two, I had no idea. In my shock, I... disappeared.

Honestly, I disappeared. I was still there, but... invisible.

I was suddenly jolted out of wonder at this ability by the alarmed cry of the deer. I dashed in front of it, wondering how on earth I was going to stop the predator, and it slashed my arm. I thrust both arms out in front of me, not knowing what on earth I was doing - and the wolf was thrown backwards into a tree.

I glanced down at my bleeding leg, only to see a silver, instead of scarlet, substance tracking down it. Sitting down on the forest floor, I was about to examine it, when the wolf came back at me, clawing into me. Screaming, I wasn't sure what I did next, but I felt a rush of heat flow to my palms, and suddenly the wolf's fur was aflame, and it leapt back, howling.

I let out another scream, this time in fear of the poor thing being hurt. No longer in control of anything I was doing, a jet of water sprung from my hands, and the wolf lay in the ground, whimpering.

I knelt down next to it, placing my hands on its wounds. A warm glow emanates from them, and when I removed them, the wolf looked slightly scorched but uninjured.

It gazed at me through amber eyes, and I gazed back. For a moment, we understood each other - it was telling me that it wasn't going to hurt me.

The wolf leapt away, but my attention was diverted by the sudden, searing pain that began to flow through my veins. It was so intense that I found myself lying flat on my back, gasping for air. It was as if the pain was forcing its way through me, starting from the heart.

Something was wrong with me.

I lifted my hand in front of my eyes, to see my skin glowing eerily. There was a puddle of water left remaining on the floor. I crawled over to my reflection, where, under the light of the full moon above me, I was some kind of... I don't know. My skin was shining, my hair was a brilliant, startling silver... and my eyes were amber, just like the wolfs'.

My eyes shot open, and I started screaming.

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