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This was made for my sis whos a huge simp for Pitchfork😍 also i feel as if im being held at gunpoint from her/hj
Anywayy enjoy!! XD.                                                   Btw pics drawn be me 😍
Animated inanimate battle is made by GatlingGroink57   Check out the show!Its really cool :D
Y/n pov:
"Y/n you're safe." Oodle said as i caught my cookie. Some people cheered me on, but i could only feel embarrasmend, dont get me wrong,im happy that im still here, but i am embarrased about not speaking up for Pitchfork when she got yelled at by our team. It was down to the last elimination,it will be either Pear or Pitchfork. When Oodle went to get Pear ,I didnt really pay attantion,all i could feel was guilt,how i didnt even get to apologize for being a coward. Suprisingly tho, Pear pissed off Oodle so much, that he was the one who got sucked into the doodlesphere. I think everyone was shocked by this action,including me,but at the same i felt a little shimmer of hope when i realised that Pitchfork was staying and that this was my chance.

"Congrats Pitchfork, you're safe." Oodle said as he tossed her the final cookie. Letting those words sink in,everyone left dissapointed and angry that Pitchfork didnt get eliminated. I was gonna aprroach her and ask if she was ok,but stopped when she picked up the blue rose that glowstick gave her. I felt a sting of pain pass throught me as she walked away ,in her thoughts ,probably about glowstick.. I felt a bit...jealous ,seeing her walk away with the flower as if it meant everything to her.

I quickly turned away and walked as far away as i could. I dont care about the challenge, i dont care if people vote me off ,i just need some time to think, so i can figure out what emotions im dealing with at the moment.

I find a spot thats far away from everyone and sit down,exhausted,due to being used to legs for 3 episodes only. After im back to breathing like a normal person, i think about Pitchfork. Who is Pitchfork to me?When i look at her,shes always frowning, our team may think its because of her attitude,but i think some people just arent smiley or that they are upset about something and need to be heard.I think our team is too harsh on her,she doesnt deserve to be treated like that,sure she lost us the last challenge,but its clear that shes just used to doing things by herself, but what i dont think were getting is that she always wants the best for her team,like when we had to go up the hill pushing that rock up with us,she actually cheered us on to get to the top. I think its also obvious that she may have problems with her anger, but they still shouldnt scream at her for it. I believe that if we'll pay more attention to ourselfes,that all these problems could be solved in no time!

I smile to myself and look back,where everyone else is doing the challenge... I cant see Pitchfork tho? I look around trying to find her and when i do see her in the distance,she was already staring at me?! I yelp in suprise,blushing and quickly looking away.After a second i slowly look back up at her seeing her looking at the rose again. I stared a bit longer,quite akwardly might i add, not knowing what to do...well i wanted to apologise,might as well do it now,right?

I stand up from my spot and go to where shes seated. OMG WHAT AM I DOING?! I DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY!! I slowed my step just a little not sure about this. But just one look at the rose shes holding made me determined to go on. It honestly breaks my heart seeing her look at it like as if she 'loved' if she loved....him-i freeze in my step, suddenly feeling disgust towards that flower, clutched perfectly in her perfect hands.It shouldnt be there, i should, i should have have her hold me so delicately like shes holding that disgusting plant, its my hand that should be locked with hers, when she frowns, i wanna make her smile, when i look at her i wanna kiss her so bad! She shouldn't be thinking about him,she should be thinking about me! She doesnt even like him!
.....does she?

I take a step back,this..what am i doing? She obviously wants to think about him,not me..
..."This is useless.."my gazes unfocused, I..i better leave her be-"Are you ok?"

I blink, suprise obvious on my face as i look up into..Pitchforks eyes! Omg this is your chance to apologize! dont screw it up!!"Hey Pitchfork!! Are you ok?!" i blush in embarrasment at my high volume, omg that was so akward!apologize!"OMG IM SO SORRY THAT WAS VERY LOUD! A-" i shut myself up, i totally screwed up, but i stare in shock as i see Pitchfork..laughting? When she stops her giggles she looks at me with an easy smile "Dont worry about your voice, no one wants to talk to me at this point."she looks a bit saddened "W-what? No, i actually want to talk to you!" She looks a bit shocked then looks at me questionably, i take this as a sign to continue "I actually wanted to apologize, our team is being irrationally angry at you, i just want to apoologize for them. Also, im sorry for not standing up for you, im a coward" i look at her sadly and she smiles a little "Well, thank you for apologizing, but i think they should apologize for themselfs, if thatll ever happen." She sits on the ground and i sit next to her "Well, no matter what happens, Ill always be by your side!" I smile up at her, determined to help her and support her in anything,anyway. She looks down on me with a real smile, that smile that i love so much...oh, speaking about love, maybe i should ask her about..Glowstick.

"Hey, sorry about ..him." I say as i glance at the flower shes still holding "Oh! Yeah.." she frowns, i look into her eyes worriedly "..Wanna talk about it?I kinda did just promise i would be there if you need to talk." I giggle a little at the end of my sentence. She smiles at my offer and sighes "Well,i guess i could. I guess im just..confused? When Glowstick was here he always annoyed me and kept asking me out even tho i always told him no, that day when he seemed to finally get that im not interested, he also got eliminated. I-is it my fault he got eliminated? I didnt want him to get eliminated i just wanted him to leave me alone! Would it have gone different if i just, let him bother me?" She teared up a little,no no no please dont cry,please he doesnt deserve your tears!"Aaw Pitchfork please dont cry!" I wrap my arms around her, patting her back "Its not your fault he got eliminated! He just realized you didnt like him too late, honestly, i think he got what he deserved when he didnt respect your boundaries." Pitchfork giggled a little and my heart skipped a beat feeling the sound rumble through me due to the close proximity.

I pull away to look at her expression better, still keeping my hand on her back."Thanks,Y/n." She smiled at me,blushing slightly. I smile up at her, blushing at her saying my name, it just sounded so right.. phew,ok! u better get ur shit together and ask her now! "Did Glowstick?" What suprised me was that Pitchfork just burst out laughting! "Like him?? BAHAH no of course i never liked him!!!! Im a lesbian!! I dont like men!! BHAHAHAHAHH-" she says between giggles, i soon join her too, smiling so big my face actually started to hurt!! "HAH really????Wait! Omg,does he even know???? HAH" she looks at me laughing even harder "Omg i think i didnt even tell him!! HAHA" we start laughing even harder, but soon our laughter calms down.

I look up into her eyes and see shes already looking down at me,blushing. Due to her blushing i blush aswell, did i manage to embarrass myself somehow?!"Uuh is there something on my face?" I touch my face trying to find what might be on it "Oh no youre just.."she grabs my hands with hers whilst speaking ".. really cute when you laugh,heh." she blushed hard and turned away trying to hide her blush,not looking me in the eyes. When i realised what she said, my face was fr glowing,i take a deep breath to mentally prepare myself "I-I think youre really cute in general!" I look at her, smiling out of nervousness and my face got so hot, i think i mightve passed out. She looks at me smiling so hard,her cheeks going even redder. We looked into each others eyes and slowly closed the distance between each other, our expressions turning from flustered to focused, focused on how delicious her lips looked. Lips finally touching, we kissed and lemme tell u,it was an experience. As if the world had stopped, the kiss seemed to last for hours, but sadly we had to part due to the lack of air.

We look into each others eyes, breathing heavily." Heh, talking about glowsticks, you really light up like one." She looks at me smugly. Despite being annoyed by her statement, i blush and grumble out a thanks.We burst into giggles for a little while enjoying each others presence. I then decided to pipe up "Soo about you being a lesbian, im a lesbian too. Wanna rule the world together as lesbian queens?" I look at her smiling happily "How can i say no to that offer?!" She answers happily. I tackle her down from excitment "AA THANK YOU PITCHFORK I LOVE YOU!!" We smile at each other laying on the ground "I love you too!!" She says happily and then i proceed to kiss her all over her face from excitment.

The end! :D

This was my first fic ever,so it may be weird ,also it was for fun so fuck grammar WOOO hope u all enjoyed >:D

Pitchfork x nonbinary reader😍😍😍😍😍Where stories live. Discover now