I have never love before the way I love you

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A/N: This is not a finished poem

I had never love before the way that I love you.
Love had been pleasant, wonderful even but the series of up and downs is making me tired.

I don't know why we ended up the way we did. But I am losing myself trying to stay and fight for us.
I don't know if love is supposed to hurt like this.

But I choose you over every struggle and now my body is shutting down. Unable to keep up with the stress the situation brought me.

I pray for God's strength to endure for you because I love you so much.
I don't want to lose you yet at the same time.
I don't want to keep on hurting.

There are days where I am ecstatic and filled with love.
There are days where I am tired and doesn't want to go anywhere.

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