"I love you too, Harrington." Nicole responded. Steve smiled, kissing Nicole again sitting down on the bed, and eventually laying down on the bed. He rolled on top of her beginning to trace kisses down her jaw-

"Ahhhhhh!" They heard someone scream. They both shot up to see Max, with Lucas, Mike, Will, and Dustin.

Dustin being the one who screamed.

"I have to bleach my eyes!" Dustin went on.

"Oh come on Dusty, don't be over dramatic." Nicole laughs, straightening out her wrinkled shirt.

"Why do you seem so chill?" Lucas asked Max.

"This isn't the first time this has happened."  Max says, staring off in the distance.

"What are you doing home early?" Nicole asked Max.

"Well I thought we could just peacefully walk into my room but that has been taken away." Max says.

"It's better then when we walk in on Billy the other day-" Nicole began.

"Don't finish that." Max said stopping her.

"What did Billy do?" Steve asked
"Nothing that concerns you Harrington." Billy said walking by their room.

"Okay, well I'll leave so you guys can hangout." Steve says, he spins around giving Nicole a kiss. "Bye, I love you." Steve said.

"Love you too." Nicole smiles, Steve slides back out of the window Nicole closing it behind him.

"You said I love you too each other!" Max squealed.

"I know, he said it before you walked in and I said it back!" Nicole squealed too, both girls smiling and jumping.

The boys looked at both girls weirdly.

"What are you doing?" Mike asked.

"I'm being a happy teenager, you wouldn't get it because your always so moody unless you're with El." Nicole says.

"Okay well im going to go watch t.v. In the living room, don't touch my shit." She said pointing at the kids.

She went and sat down on the couch Billy beside her.
"What was that kid screaming about?" Billy asked.

"They walked in on me and Steve kissing." Nicole
laughs. "Oh and guess what?" She said.

"What?" Billy asked, annoyed.

"Steve said he loved me!" Nicole said happily.

"just don't let him break your heart." Billy smiled, leaning over and giving her a side hug.

"I'm not gonna. Speaking of that I have to call and tell Robin." Nicole said, running to the phone.

The rest of the day went by slowly, with Nicole excited about tomorrow. And when tomorrow came, she was even happier.

Sneaking out of the house early she headed over to Steve's house, she was going to sneak in the window and surprise him, but then remembered he lives on the second floor.

Only For You - Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now