Mav's Older Sister - 🦋

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"Wouldn't dream of it ma'am." He had this mischievous smile on his face.


It's been a few of weeks since I started teaching at Top Gun and I've gotten to know a few of the pilots. The ones I've met are Iceman, Slider, Merlin, Jester, Viper, Wolfman, Hollywood and Chipper. They're all decent people. Iceman is a little egotistical in my opinion but other than that he's nice to talk to.

I've gotten closer to Goose as well. And he's a really good pilot. I've started to notice he's very attractive.

Right now, I'm giving a briefing of the training today.

"So we'll be doing the basic training. Targets, emergency training situations etcetera. Any questions?" And Pete, or should I say Mav, instantly puts his hand in the air.

"So will you be flying with us today, Y/N?" He emphasised the 'Y/N' part to get at me because he knows I am only called Y/N outside of Top Gun. The little prick.

"Maverick, you will address me as Ghost. And yes, I will be flying with you today. And you better keep and eye out for me." I raise an eyebrow at Mav and he returns with a devious smirk. I roll my eyes as I gather my papers.


At training, I get into my F-117. It is specifically designed around stealth technology and can't be detected on radars. Which is the main point of today's training. To try and shoot down an enemy jet even if it's undetectable.

I launch my jet and go through the map where I've directed everyone else and have placed myself directly under Iceman as he is at the back of the group, for once.

The only time where I was seen was when I shot past them all and scared the shit out of all of them.

"Good day boys. How's the weather back there?" I had a smirk on my face and I bet they could tell from my voice.

"Ghost, where the hell did you come from? I didn't see you on my radar." Goose sounded frustrated as you could tell in his voice.

"That, my friend, is because of the specific jet I'm flying. No one can see it on a radar my good sir." Everyone sighed in annoyance. I was revelling in this, pissing off people is my specialty.

The rest of training went well, it consisted of all the boys that could to look around and try and find me but it was no use, Maverick and Iceman bickering, Goose focusing really hard on trying to spot me and me "killing" all of them for their training.


After everyone left the changing rooms, I went to my office and began some paperwork, when I heard a knock on my door. I look up to see Mav at the window.

"Come in." I looked back down to the paperwork as Mav sat down in the chair across from me.

"What can I do for you Mav?" I put the paperwork aside and focused all my attention on Pete.

"Well, at the end of the day, me and Goose are going to go to the bar. The others are going to be there too, but if you aren't busy, why don't you come?" Mav leaned back in the chair as if he's gonna say something else.

Nick "Goose" Bradshaw X Reader OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz