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Hey guys, Jacob here. And yes, this is by far the most risky attempt right after the death Palette fanfic. Both involved both popular games from the past and the present.

When I said "the most risky attempt", I'm referring to this book. As you can see, this is the very first time I attempt a crossover fanfic, which is considered as the toughest type of fanfic ever written for some in the communities.

It is much tougher when both content in this crossover fanfic are popular video games in their own ways. Firstly, Ghostwire: tokyo is a game devoloped by Tango Gameworks and had its sales skyrocketed right after its released in 25 March 2022. This game revolves around Japenese Yokais, which is popular in their culture. Attempting a fanfic of this game would be "dangerous" as the sudden popularity of the game that leads to limited resource about the characters even there's visual novels available about KK and his crews.

Touhou, on the other hand, was a tougher one. This game was made in 1997 by ZUN, and has one of the oldest and most active fandom of all. The characters sometimes has their personality flanderised in some fanfics so its even tougher to maintain their canon personality while using Fanon personality for comedy purposes.

Nevertheless, risk aside, this story will bring you, my readers, into the world of myths and fantasy. So sit tight and buckle up, as we about to witness tons of colourful danmaku fights.

Edit(21 sep 2022): guides for dialogues

"Word": conversation
"Italics": monologue or thoughts
"CAPITALISED": yelling, stressing a word or strong exclaimation.
"bold": A/n(for 4th wall interruption purpose, which I haven't tried yet)

Edit#2(9 Oct 2022, 10:25): thank you VRivera0228 for this information. Apparantly, there are fighting games that are CANON to the timeline. Nevertheless, the rules will remained the same

The exorcist and the priest(ghostwire Tokyo x Touhou)Where stories live. Discover now