Computer Jack vs Drake

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The couple started making out before they heard shouting near the firehouse, they looked at each other and walked over and saw Drake fighting a kid with glasses with a crowd of people around them chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Sam shoved his way through the crowd, "Drake!"

"What?!" Drake shouted as he had Jack pinned on the ground and was punching his face.

"Why are you fighting a geek?"

"Fuck off I'm busy." Drake huffed as Jack punched him into the large garage door, leaving a dent. Sam glared at Jack and his hand lit up and was about to shoot a laser at the boy's head but he got shoved in to large kids who held him back as Jack charged himself into Drake causing them both to fall through the metal.

Caine looked around the crowd and walked over to Dekka who was watching the fight,

"What caused the fight?"

Dekka chuckled " Computer Jack escaped Coates to get away from Drake and Drake found him and just punched him."

" Alright then."

The two watched the fight gone before a kid wearing a fedora ran over with another holding a fire hose, he aimed at the fighting boys and turned it on, Jack rolled before the water hit him but Drake was shot against the bumper of the firetruck.

"Turn that off you bastard!" Sam shouted at Edilio as his hands glowed a bright green, Edilio turned off the hose before looking at Sam who was glaring at him. Edilio glared back,

"We don't approve of violence."

Sam growled I'll show you violence he thought as he was about blast Edilio, a large mountain of rock walked in front of him,

"Don't try it Sam." Howard said getting in front of the boy, he looked at the kids holding Sam back, "Let him go."

Sam shoved his arms out the kids' hands and ran over to Drake and helped him up, he saw a coldness and hatred in Drake's eyes,

"Not here, too many people and remember the plan." Sam warned knowing what his brother was thinking.

"Fine. Where's the ice queen?" Drake asked wiping water off his face.

"Not sure also me and Caine found a place to stay."


"The hotel at the edge of town."


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