2- Negotiation Breakdown

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The Consul slowly wakes up in a chair.

It would be kinda comfortable.. If he wasn't tied to it...

"Oh, good evening, sleeping beauty."

The Consul looks up to see the Fancy Cat thief again.

He is Scared. "What- Why did you kidnap me for... a few hours?"

"A few? It's been over a day! Your precious little city thinks you're dead now!"


The thief crosses his arms, "They think I killed you. And now they won't stop calling me Killer Kitty..."

Killer Kitty seems very upset with this name.

The Consul nervously chuckles, checking to see if he can still move his snake arms.

Killer Kitty starts pacing back and forth, "Is Killer Kitty really the best they could come up with? I don't know if I hate Killer Kitty or Fancy Cat more! All I had to do was kidnap you for a bit!"

"Why did you need to do that?" The Consul is slowly working on escaping.

Killer Kitty sighs, drinking some.. Probably water.. "It was an order from my boss. She said I would be rewarded with a large sum of money."

The doors are flung open. The Consul freezes.

Dark Enchantress smiles, "Hello, Consul! I'm glad to see that you are awake."

"Oh- Uh- Hi?" He recognizes Dark Enchantress from the wanted posters.

It turns to Killer Kitty, "Are you sure he's been tied up securely?"

"I am fairly certain, why?"

They both look over to see The Consul doing the Cartoon Sneak away from the chair.

The snake arms quickly fall to his sides, "UH-"

Dark Enchantress zaps him. He's held to the floor by dark magic. He's absolutely floored right now.

He squeaks. Killer Kitty's ears perk up, "Did you.. Did you just squeak?"

"No..????" "How did he hear that?! Wait- he's a cat."

Dark Enchantress lifts The Consul into the air slightly, "Well, I'll be taking this. It's hard to demand a ransom without the leverage!" It sounds very cheerful.

While walking, Dark Enchantress looks at him, "Now now, don't try to escape. I will not hesitate to end you. I can always find other targets. You were just the weakest one."

He is too terrified to be insulted.

Dark Enchantress goes to the center of the city.

Despite the time, there's a large crowd of people .

Maladin and Silent Scorch are giving out autographs.

Dark Enchantress clears her throat, "I do believe you've been looking for the Consul, yes?"

Everyone stares at it, then they see The Consul. "Oh my goodness! He's alive!"

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