Start from the beginning

Jungkook sighn looking at the crying jimin . He didn't see this much broken jimin . He always cheery and flirty. He was interupted by thoughts when jimin suddenly shook him and ask like begging. "Kookie do me a favor please arrange marriage papers fastly I know you have the power . Please iam begging I want to make my papa happy please." Jungkook nodded with no expression only to get a sudden hug by his jimin . Jimin then run to the ambulance where his papa was now . Jungkook take a deep breath looking at his husband who was in a verge of passed  out and his son who was clinging scaredly while placing his face on taehyungs naps . Don't know he didn't feel like separate the father son duo like everytime . "Be ready early morning we will also go to hospital we should be there at his wedding atleast afterall he is like a family" . Taehyung nodded like puppy as always .

Jin checked the watch only to see the l hour hand was on 9 and minute hand was on 6 indicated its 9 30 . He play with his fingers and again looked at the gate to see his brother in laws a small glimpse. Every guest were presented in alley . Bride was on her  room putting her last touch while dreaming a better romantic life with her husband . Jin turn around only to see his husband who was standing like nothing. at his father in law runing nervously while calling each and everyone . He try to swallow the lump formed in his throat . He murmered softly allowing his husband to hear. "He promised me" "promise are meant to be break sweetheart". Namjoon said with a smirk only to make  Jin remember that he get betrayed by his own brother in law who he considered as his younger brother .

Jimin looked at a small asile in front of hospital were all the hospital staff and patients were eagerly looking at the scene like what happening here . Jimin snapped at jungkook who was behind him he asked irritatedly "what the fuck was this jungkook don't I told you a priest and simple rings and the papers are enough" . Jungkook chuckled and replied . "I don't know I was running and running till yesterday night for your rings and papers only to know taehyung and junghoon who want to suprise you. They arranged everything withdrawing a good amount of money from my account" . Jimin shook his head and looked front only to see yoongi who come with Mr park who was in wheel chair with some tubes were connected to middle aged man . He was looking more energetic and smile in his face make jimin smiled lightly he never see this man smile this brightly he looked aside only to see taehyung who was standing with a old suit ready to be bestman of yoongi and junghoon who stand otherside indicating he as a bridesmaid jimin shook his head smiling at the stupid father and son and looked at jungkook who also have smile which he rarely show . Jimin go to his papa who intertwined his hand with him  while looking everyone proudly . Yoongi who go near to taehyung with slight smile don't know he also feel a small happiness in his chest seeing everything . He always dreamed about his marriage as simple not like Jin who prepared his marriage while inviting even president of Korea to show how powerfull And grand a Kim was . He come out his thought when Mr park sound was heard . "Look after him like a gem give your all love to him that I can't show him . Cover  him with love that he once forget me" . "Pappa" jimin whined sadly knowing his papa want him to forget him. But he shrugged when he see the bright smile on Mr park lips . He sigh and stand in front of yoongi . Yoongi who nervously take his hand on his .

The wedding happened in front of doctors and patients and people's presented in the hospital . Yoongi was nervously kissed jimin lips when priest announced them as husband . Jimin didn't protested either . Jimin was more than happy after seeing his papa so energetically and happily explaining every qualities of yoongi while eating the wedding feast with other patients and people in the hospital which is also arranged by taehyung and hoonie for jimin . Jimin sighned and looked aside only to see yoongi who also serving the feast to some kids who also suffering from cancer in this small age with taehyung who always have the boxy smile . He gulped the tears formed in his eyes . "Don't cry stupid " Jimin looked side only to see jungkook with a soft expression . He wiped his tears while nodding and said with a shattered voice .

"I married to a stranger kookie . Papa was suffering from cancer and everything happened this fast that I didn't know how to express it . I don't know what to feel" . Jungkook patted his friend shoulder and said" its Okey... it's going to be Okey dont you remember I married to the person who I try to get inside bars it's going to be hard first then it will be alright just go with the flow ".

Jin looked at the bride who was sitting with a big banquet. He sighn and looked around. her mother Mrs jeon who was standing aside not knowing how to say the bride that the groom doesn't gonna come . Jin cleared his throat to get everyone's attention "Lisa iam sorry we can't contact yoongi till today morning we were extremely sorry for happened to you and extremely sorry to destroy your wonderful day" Jin said with a apologetic look not knowing how to look at the girls face who have a broken expression. Tears started to form in her beautiful eyes she wiped harshly and said to her mother who also looking her apologetically. "Why we are standing here like clowns now don't you hear the groom is not coming I want to go home ". Mrs jeon nodded while wiping her non stop tears said while wiping her tears" I will tell hobi to arrange the car ".

"I thought you was a good man so as your fucking son but I never thought that asshole will destroy my girls life" .

Mr kim head hang low out of shame don't want to looked at his best friends face he know what he did to him was more than enough .

" Iam sorry for my son's behavior we never thought he runaway . We are extremely sorry . "

Mr kim apologies Mr jeon and his son who near him . Jackson sighn looking at the drama and said annoyingly ." Can we go ..there is nothing here then why we are we standing" . He looked at mr kims face with a smirk and give warning making the man's heart beat fast

"Don't think he will get out from me after hurting my sister and making us clowns in front of the crowd . Tell him when he get back wait for his death " .

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