Part 2

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Present day:
With Takemichi:

At the age of 15 he was planning to run, he didn't want to marry anyone, he didn't want to marry end off story so he ran and didn't go to the wedding. He is know 21 and is working at a local bar witch he didn't know he's future husbands boss owned, he also didn't know that he's bar ratted out boton so they were coming to kill everyone.

He was working behind the bar like normal, smiling, chatting and making drinks, while he had breaks he would dance and enjoy the bar before working again. Not long later a group of men walk in, a small white haired man at the front who Takemichi assumed to be the boss while a bunch off others followed, he didn't care and kept working until a gun was set off. He's eyes widen and looks where it came from, there standing above the body was a tall guy with slick back black and purple hair. The small man finally spoke "everyone in this building line up know" no emotion, nothing, this reminded Takemichi off hes mother but he was not going to do what this man said so he ducked behind the counter.

Takemichi pov:

I duck behind the counter making sure I did it before they saw me and within a secound I hear a gun being fired and multiple body's drop to the floor, then it happens again and again before it's quite. Someone finally spoke, I assume the white hair man "you guys are the only workers here hun, anyone else hiding?" He asked, I prayed they would not dub me in it but they did "yeah, one more, a boy...he was working the counter with me" 'god dam it Hiro, I'm gonna kill you' I thought while crawling across the floor to the other side off the counter. "Do we know he's name?" Another voice asked but it was clearly not the white haired man's "yeah we do but we forgot it, we don't really use it though cause he's good at hes job, never getting in trouble" hiro says.

"That's fine, we will find him" another one said with a laugh, this scares me a little but not much, I slowly make my way to the kitchen as I hear footsteps coming my way. I stand and rush to the back door but to my luck the kitchen team have locked it, I freeze hearing people stop at the doorway to the kitchen and I turn quickly.

No one pov:

Takemichi turns around quickly only to see 2 men, they seem to be related cause they looked alike. One had slick back hair, Takemichi saw him as the one who shot the first time and the second one looked younger but with just longer hair, they could have been twins. They stare at Takemichi with a smile before saying "found you out little mouse" walking over, Takemichi never took he's eyes off them. Unlike them Takemichi knew where everything was in this kitchen and will do anything to make sure they never get to him. Just as they are about to grab him he ducked taking them off guard before he put a good punch into their belly's before darting across the kitchen. Suddenly he smacked right to the floor gasping at the impact and getting a nose bleed.

He looked back and saw the younger one holding hes foot "get off asshole" he spoke as he tries to kick the man off, not doing really anything since the man blocked all he's kicks, while he's other opponent walked over and grabbed hes arm yanking him up while he's brother let go of hes leg "know, is that anyway to talk to us" the older one said while he's grip slightly tightened hoping to scare the poor boy but nothing happened. "I talk to people how I see fit and you ain't worthy off my kindness" and with that Takemichi grabbed a nearby pan and swung at Rin, the older man dodged and Takemichi took this time while he was distracted to pull hes arm away and run to the window, he opened it and was about to jump when someone else grabbed him. Takemichi turned around and saw the younger brother who seemed to be angry "hey, don't swing at my brother" he yanked him back inside and started pulling him towards the front again while Rin sorted out hes hair.

Takemichi took a breath as he left the kitchen.

Takemichi pov:

I took a breath as I was yanked out the kitchen, I pull away as far as I could before grabbing a ice breaker and stabbed it into hes arm, he yells as blood runs down he's arm and I run but not before I was then grabbed again on my shoulder, I sigh and quickly duck before going through hes legs, stand and kicking hes back sending him straight through the window cutting hes head, making blood run down it. I turn to run again but was punch right in the face sending me straight to the floor, I try to get up but was then grabbed by my hair and pulled harshly over to the others. I breath heavy while blood ran down my face and a dark purple mark appeared on my face.

I wipe the floor from my nose as I slowly see feet appear and I look up seeing the small white hair man squat down. He then grabbed my hair too but pulled it tighter then the other hoping to see something on my face but still nothing "I see your a little sneaky mouse huh little one" he spoke, I still didn't say nor do anything "it seems your also good at fighting too, you took down two off my best men like it was nothing" finally I smiled "ha like you would know you bitch" I spat in hes face, I heard gasps not only from my co-workers but from this man's men as well.

The man finally let go before wiping hes face "seems we have a little mouse problem and it's a shame we have to deal with them" he stood up "TAKEMICHI HOW DARE YOU, HE OWNS THIS PLACE" my boss yells, I laugh "so what, is this really how he treats he's workers then I should have quite ages ago and let you guys fall" I slowly stood up "that's enough talking, I never gave any off you permission to talk did i" he asked while turning to me only to looked slightly surprised that I was standing. "Seems we have a strong little mouse, Sanzu take him down a few" he sat back down.

'Wait Sanzu, no no it can't be' I thought while turning to the pink haired man who also looked surprised to see me, we stare at each other chocked.

'No....he found me' I thought 'I found him' Sanzu thought.

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