humpty dumpt

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humpty dumpt hum hum humdty dumpt humpy dumpt hum humdty dumpt (repeat)

humptdy dumptdy sat on a wall humptdy dumpty had a great fall all the kings horsemen and all the kings men said aint that funky

humpty dumpt hum humpty dumpt humpty dumpt hum hum humpty dumpt (repeat)

jack and jill went up a hill to fetch a pail of water jack fell down and broke his crown and jill said aint that funky

humpty dumpt hum humpty dumpt humpty dumpt hum humpty dumpt (repeat)

little miss muffett she sat upon her tuffet eating her curds and way (way) along came a spider who sat down beside her and said girl what are curds and way? aint that fuky

humpty dumpt hum humpty dumpt humpty dumpt (repeat)
all right let me clear it up for you

the lord couldve healed old humpty if all of his friends wouldve just prayed
and jack shouldve laid that golden crown at the feet of jesus anyway
and little miss muffett should have realized the lord never gave us a spirit of fear
take a nursery rhyme do it in church time
aint that funky

humpty dumpt hum humpty dumpt humpty dumpt hum humpty dumpt humpty dumpt hum humpty dumpt humty dumpt hum humty dumpt.

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