Start from the beginning

   From a distance, snapping his eyes up boredly from two kids playing wizard chess nearby, Theo saw someone step out in the crowdy hallway and his breath hitched. It was her, suddenly all of the world around him seemed a blur.

    She is beautif

   "Nott!" His trance was broken when she called his name on spotting him standing there. She rushed towards him with a little nervous smile while he was awestruck.

   Her eyes first landed on his former injured arm, "How are you now?"

    "Good," He said with a small genuine smile which soon turned into a sly one, "Thanks to you for not hitting me more harshly."

    She was drowned in guilt again, as much as she was adamant to win that stupid challenge, she still didnt want to hurt him, "I am sorry, I didnt mean to—"  

    He interrupted her by holding her hand causing bolts of electricity to shoot up her spine, and smiled as he said, "I dont want to waste even a second of today, so shall we?"

   She nodded holding her breath looking in those ocean blue eyes. The next thing she knew she stood at an entrance of a muggle amusement park which had an art festival going on and everything was just so lively, vibrant and cheerful. She smiled brightly looking around, "Woah."

   "Did you like it?" He asked glancing at her unable to contain his smile. She let out a merry laugh, "Like it? I love it! Wow! I didnt know you'd bring me to such an amazing place!"

   She stared at him as a question roamed in her mind, "But why here?"

    He turned to her, a slight frown on his face which soon disappeared as he spoke softly, "Because I dont want today to be anything less than best. I have to have a nice first impression only then you'd come to the next date with me "

    She raised her eyebrows in amusement, "Next date? Who said we were going on more dates?"

   "You will, after today." He grinned.

   She shook her head with a smile on his confidence, both stepped in greeted by loud cheerful music and dance. The place looked amazing, just perfect. He asked her if she'd like to have something first, but all she wanted first was to try the roller coaster and so they did.

    She was a fan of swings, all of them, she didnt want to leave any when she had gotten such an opportunity. She believed if god had given her a chance to have the best day of her life with her crush then why not?

    Two hours went by and they finally had been to more than half of the swings twice, she insisted him to accompany her on the unicorn rides for teenagers but he didnt comply and she didnt force after that, letting herself enjoy while he was delighted with the sight of her enjoying.

   By 6 o'clock in the evening, she had had enough of rides and he wasnt fazed with all the time spent with her which went by like a few minutes. It was turning hard to believe that he actually could tolerate the presence kof a gryffindor and that too the one who broke his arm. But it seemed like after today, he would try to get more dates with her and it flustered him at his own thoughts.

    "I know a nice park over nearby, shall we go there?" She asked licking off at her ice cream while be smirked flirtatiously in reply, "Take me wherever you want Rose, I am all yours."

   "Gosh, you are so irritating." She groaned purposely and he chuckled as she led him to wherever she mentioned, having his hands stuffed in his pockets because he felt a weird urge to hold hers. He shook his head, sternly, no.

𝐏𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐒 ⚯͛ 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐭Where stories live. Discover now