"My uber outside .. imma see you in the morning bae."she said patting my back and walking out the door .. "She just gone leave like that ?" Dorinda said

"I told you that heffa is no good !." momma said i shrugged it off .. i was starting to believe my moms words lowkey .. i just ain't wanna admit it , i look over at Karen playing in her food .. it looked like something was on her mind

"You good ma ?." i say tapping her hand, she looked up with a smile "Um yeah yeah i'm good ."

After we finished our meals My step dad and me began to grab everybody's dishes "You know son .. i didn't wanna say it cause i always try and be on your side but Nia isn't the one for you .. she didn't interact with us not once all she said was hey" he said putting some of the dishes in the dish water

"Yeah i know pops .. i ain't know what to say to her before she left it was weird, she told me she was gonna try and connect with y'all today but it's like once we got here her whole vibe changed i don't know man" i said .

"So she really don't like Karen ? i watched the whole time son .. you said hey to Karen and Nia's vibe just instantly went down .. if she wanna be with you she's gonna have to respect people you grew up with." he spoke "I know , i tried to tell her that Karen is sweet but she said Karen just isn't her person." i replied

"Well ... get that bitch out the door ! cant be captain save a hoe all the time cause all hoes don't get saved." we both laughed

30 mins later ..

As me and my pops sat there joking around after doing the dishes i looked at my phone and noticed the time "Shit" i jumped up , i was enjoying myself so much with my family i forgot i was showing Karen the hotel , i run up the stairs and see her sitting in Ceces old bedroom with Cece chatting it up .

"I'm sorry ma i forgot , come on ." she rolled her eyes but i ain't pay it no mind "Bye Cece" we both said, we headed to the car "What's wrong?" i asked "nothing Sebastian." she said while getting in the car as i open the door for her .

The car ride was very quiet until i finally said something . "Yo what's wrong ? i been dealing with female attitudes all day .. what's wrong Karen?" i spoke looking over to her and looking back at the road .

"Nothing .. i promise it's nothing i just wanna see your hotel i'm fine Sebastian." she said looking down, i knew she was lying though . i parked the car and picked her chin up "Ma what's wrong." 

She let out a sigh "Nothing serious really .. it's just your girlfriend .. she's been saying slick things about me all day while you were catching up with your family .. just unnecessary things like making jokes about my hair , my body .. just anything Dorinda and Cece peeped they just didn't say anything cause i told them not to .. i didn't wanna ruin your welcome home dinner with unnecessary drama .." she spoke while looking me in the eyes .

You could tell she was about to get emotional "Man why you ain't tell me ? i would of been said sum to her ass .. don't worry about it i gotchu." i called Nia on facetime .

"What ! you know i'm at work Sebastian." she said "First of all who the fuck is you talking to like that ? always got a damn attitude for no reason yo i'm tired of that shit , why is you being disrespectful to Karen? you said you was gone be cool today !" i yelled

"Oh so now you taking up for this Bitch ? ight Sebastian Fuck you !" she yelled back "I ain't no bitch so stop calling me out my name , cause if i'm a bitch yo mama a bitch" Karen said looking over at the phone , i ain't never heard Karen talk like that .

"Yo sebastian i'm sooo done with you , no way you got this bitch in our car." she says as she hangs up. i look over at Karen "Ma i'm sorry .. when stuff happens like that tell me she ain't got no right to do that ." i looked in Karen's eyes .. i wanted to kiss her so bad but a nigga didn't wanna be disrespectful.

"It's okay .. she just feels like i'm competition but i'm not .. i'm just Karen ." she replied , i felt horrible everything my mama said to me about Nia kept replaying in my head .. maybe this ain't the one for me .

We got out the car and headed inside , i show them my card and we hopped on the Elevator "So how did you like dinner tonight ? seemed like you enjoyed yourself" she said smiling "It was actually coo Nia  fucked up my whole mood though." i said looking at the elevator ceiling .

She stood there staring at me till it was time for us to get off , We walked to my room and i slid my keycard onto the door "Here it is" i spoke .

"Woww .. it's so pretty ! you have everything in here .. yo ass must got some money" she said, i laughed at her comment "Nah .. i been had money"

She laid her purse down on the chair and flopped on the bed .. she seemed stressed about something "Wanna talk about it ?." i asked , i took off my shoes waiting for a response " Oh no i was just thinking .. a lot of things have been on my mind ."

I take my shirt off and quickly put on a white tee with some shorts "So let's talk about it ." i said standing in front of her while she sat on the bed .

She sat there scanning all of my Tattoos, it was cute "Um .. well i just feel stressed with all this business stuff . But i'll be okay the storm will pass over ." she spoke

"I understand .. having a black owned business is kinda hard but don't stress it just think positive." i replied while rolling up .

"Uh Aht Sebastian you know i don't like all that smoking around me ." she says "You sound old as hell ." we both let out a chuck "Fine .. but not for long Sebastian." i loved the way she talked to me .. it made me feel like she was comfortable with me , Nia makes me feel like she can't trust me ..

"I'm starting to get sleepy .. i had a long day can i stay here with you? ." she asked "Of course .. make yourself comfortable ion mind ma."

My phone begins to ring it was Nia "Yo what ? you already let me know how you feel so what you want na." i spoke "Bae im sorry .. i didn't mean it like that i just get jealous when your so nice to other women." i could tell she was about to cry from the way her voice cracked .

"You could have that too if you wasn't being so mean all the time .. and ion compliment everybody i see i been knowing Karen since i was young she ain't no random ass women ." i said

"But Bae-" before she could finish i hung up the phone .. i didn't wanna speak to her right now it was like talking to a Brick Wall .

Karen came out the bathroom and laid down besides me .. "Goodnight Sebastian." she said looking up at me "Goodnight pretty."

So much was going through my mind .. the feelings for Karen was starting to spark up again , i just ain't know how to tell her .....

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