rules and how to request

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hello everyone and thank you for clicking on my book shop. as you can see, it's labelled as '2' meaning this is my second one in the series. this is for anyone who has written or is writing a book and wants a cover for it. i really enjoy editing videos/photos etc so i find it really fun making these. obviously, i'm not a professional and neither am i a robot so i will make mistakes and it may not be perfect, but i am learning and improving on the job. below are some rules on how to request:

*if you want to see if i'm the right editor for you, look at some of my latest pieces*


1. you must vote on all the chapters of my book. this won't take you long and will really help my book get recognised

2. must fill out the form i put below in detail. i can't work with you to make the cover if i haven't got all the details

3. please be polite when you are requesting. i'm taking my time out making these covers for you and if you're just going to be rude about it then i won't do it for you

4. you have to use the book cover i made for you, unless there is a problem with it. i can't be spending my time on it for you to just end up not using it. if you're not sure whether you want it or are still deciding, please let me know in the form so i can prioritise properly.

5. if you don't like the cover or want some changes made, please let me know asap. the later you leave it, the harder it is going to be for me to change it.

6. must give credits in your book description.

7. a permanent follow

form (please dm me these details):

1. name of your book

2. your username (if you want it displayed on the book or not)

3. writing the book or have written the book

4. blurb of the book

5. what you would like to see on the cover of the book (in detail)

once you have requested a book cover, i will either reply with 'request accepted' or 'request denied'

request accepted:

if i accept your request, it will take me up to 5 days to complete it. you need to also be available for any follow up questions from me during those 5 days. if you take longer to reply to those questions, the book cover will be delayed. if it's taking me longer than 5 days for whatever reason, i will message you and let you know why, and then give you an updated date on when i will be done by. just a reminder, i am not a machine or a robot, i am a human and i have a life aswell, if i take longer, there is probably a very good reason and you will just have to bare with me. i will keep you posted if there are any delays.

request denied:

this will be very rare, but if i do deny your request, it is either because you haven't filled out your form properly, haven't followed the rules or i'm not capable of fulfilling your request. i am still learning and practicing on the job.

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