Ru-quan also stiffened unnaturally in his seat.

"The southern tribes seem to have been consolidating their forces," Prince Ru-an spoke. "The recent attacks have been more coordinated than they used to be, isn't that right?"

Zhenghuan nodded, looking mildly impressed. "From the intelligence we have gathered, it appears that the southern tribes have found a leader, one that has been able to do what previous chieftains have failed to do—consolidate the tribes under one unified banner. Unfortunately, his identity is still a closely-guarded secret and we haven't managed to find out who this man is. They call him the Eagle Warrior."

"It's not the first time the tribes have managed to get their act together, but they'll always fall apart soon after," Chief Minister Sun said. "Perhaps you are worrying excessively, General Du."

"If you had been on those dunes fighting against their people, watching your men lie in pools of their own blood, perhaps you might not say that I am 'worrying excessively', Minister," Zhenghuan replied drily.

The chief minister bristled with indignation but he kept quiet after receiving a stern look from the crown prince.

Ru-quan smiled. "I'm sure the minister didn't mean to downplay the sacrifice made by our soldiers," he said. The Shadow Lord needed a reminder from time to time that the soldiers he commanded belonged not to him, but to the crown. "What he meant was that since our army has managed to suppress the tribes' aggressive efforts once again, it only goes to show that perhaps this Eagle Warrior that you speak of is not as much of a threat as it may seem."

"Belittling the enemy is the easiest way to lose a war," Zhenghuan replied, unperturbed by the fact that he was openly disagreeing with the crown prince. He had always been a bit of a rogue in the eyes of the court officials, but they had not witnessed his bluntness in a long while. Several of them were now anxiously looking towards the king, waiting for his reaction to this barbed exchange.

"Our experience on the battlefield is far less than yours, General Du," Ru-an said congenially, "which is why we rely so much on you and the men who fight to keep the kingdom safe. If you truly believe that this Eagle Warrior is someone that we need to be wary of, then I'm sure there is no harm on keeping tabs on the movements within the southern tribes. After all, better to be safe than sorry."

The king nodded in agreement, looking pleased with his fifth son's words. "Ru-an is right. There is never any harm in being cautious. If Zhenghuan feels that the southern tribes may become a threat to our borders, then I trust his judgement. Zhenghuan, would you require any reinforcements at the southern border?"

The Shadow Lord shook his head. "My scouts have infiltrated some of the tribes and will be sending information back to the camp as and when they get wind of anything new. Since their last defeat, the tribes seem to be lying low for now to recuperate. We will update the court if there are any new developments."

While the king and the princes continued to engage the general in casual conversation, the officials of the court watched silently by the sidelines, a sense of unease washing over them.

The Shadow Lord had only just returned and already the political tide was shifting. The king had made a stand by siding with Zhenghuan instead of the crown prince, which had been a slap to the face of the latter in front of the entire court. Also, there was the fifth prince, who had voiced his opinion in support of the Shadow Lord. Among the king's older sons, Ru-an had the most political clout besides the crown prince and there were whispers among the officials about the possibility that the throne could fall to a different prince. Ru-an's actions today seemed to suggest that he had intentions of pulling the Shadow Lord to his side, and should the latter accept his gesture of goodwill, the tides could well change drastically in the fight for the crown.

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