Chapter - 31

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Third Person’s POV

Anika has started going to the office today. All the family members were very happy to see Anika has resumed her work.

Anika was sitting at her desk when a colleague came in front of her desk and delivered her a packet with a bouquet. Anika didn’t need to ask who has sent this. She knew very well who could have sent this.

Anika accepted the packet and the bouquet. She opened the envelope which was attached to the bouquet.

In the letter, which was inside the envelope, written…

“ My dear feisty woman, I am sending those fresh flowers to you, to remind you that today
you’re starting a new. So forget about everything. Start afresh.

And those pastries for you to have something sweet before this new start. I could have sent only one but I know how gluttony you are. Maybe you will be madder at me if I send only one.

What? Now the smile vanished from your face and you remember that you’re angry with me?

Don’t …don’t scramble the paper. My dear Anika, don’t be angry at me, please. I know I
did wrong. I shouldn’t hide this from you when we have promised each other we
will never hide anything. But can you please forgive me? If you want you can
beat me. But please, don’t punish me anymore. Please.

Anika, I love you. I don’t care if you are daughter of Aniket Kapoor's or Rishi Ahuja's.
I don’t care if the blood flowing in your body is Aniket Kapoor’s or Rishi Ahuja's.
I don’t care. I love the woman Anika, with whom I want to spend my whole life,
with whom I want to have lots of children, with whom I want to grow old, you’re
the person beside whom I want to take my last breath.

Can I please get my feisty woman back? Who will scold me if I don’t bring her favourite
pastry,  will get jealous if another
woman or even man looks at me. I want the love of my life back in my life. Please come back. Please, I got my punishment enough. I love you. I am waiting for you.”

When Anika was reading the letter, Aniket was outside of the cabin observing her. He
didn’t notice the bouquet or the packet. So he was confused seeing Anika's
reaction. One moment she is smiling, then suddenly her expression became angry
and other moments she was crying. Seeing the change of expression so fast in
Anika's face, Aniket became confused. He thought “ Has she gone mad? Or what?”.

He entered the cabin to ask her what happened… but the moments he entered the room, noticing the bouquet and the packet , he realized the reason for so many
changes of expression on Anika’s face.

Seeing his father Anika hurriedly hide the letter in her hand.

ANIKET : why are you hiding it? I am not going to read your love letter.

Anika kept quiet… Aniket came in front of her and held her hand.

ANIKET : I know sweetheart, you have already forgiven him. You are just afraid to continue this relationship because you think his mother will not agree. Listen
sweetheart, if he really loves you, then he will fight for your love against
the whole world… She is just his mother.

ANIKA : I don’t want him to fight for me with his mother.

Aniket understood Anika doesn’t want a  mother-son relationship to break up because of her.

Aniket hugged Anika in his embrace…

ANIKET : Don’t worry Niki, everyone changes because of love. Everyone loses in front of
the strength of love. Fight together for
your love. Give him the strength by standing with him. Let him fight for you. Sometimes
fight for love is needed. Accept him, don’t punish him anymore. Today, I am
saying he is worthy of you.

Anika looked at her father with a smiling face. Aniket kissed her forehead.

ANIKET : Ok… enough of this father and daughter relationship . Now focus on your work. I don’t tolerate idle employees in my company. (Said acting like a strict boss)

ANIKA : Then I will complain to my papa to expel you. (Giggled)

Aniket again kissed her two-three times on her forehead.

ANIKET : Always be happy, sweetheart. Your smile matters a lot  to us 

Giving Anika a smile Aniket left the office.

“Yes, I will… I have made you guys worry a lot for me. I will not do that again. I am
lucky to have a family like you. I will cherish it.” – Anika thought in her mind.

Taking a bite of her favourite pastry, with a smile on her face, Anika started her work.

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