Six: get the fuck off navyling! Or you're going to get the axe!

Seven: mono do something! Use your googles! Quick they're getting closer!

Mono- wait! They don't sound or look like a navyling

Six- one more step and you're dead lady!

lady: oh my god! Is that a real axe? Parents shouldn't let children play with such things

Seven- mono I'm scared did they evolve?

Mono- I don't think so...I think they survived the attack!

Six- that's impossible every single adult "died" during tv man's attack

lady- what are they talking about?

man- I don't know darling maybe there playing pretend?

lady- with a real axe? We should call the police

Seven- I'm scared what's happening

Mono- I don't know this is so weird... hey lady!

lady- your talking to me?

Mono- yeah are we in the morphed city right now?

lady- darling I don't recall any city with this name we are in London

Seven- wasn't that... you know morphed city before it got morphed?

Six- it was... what the fuck is happening?!

lady- darling can you call the police?

man- yeah stay with then while I call it

Mono- six give me the axe

Six- here

Mono- lady... who's "police" and why are you calling them? Don't you know that navy blue travels via telephone calls?

lady- oh you kids really have imagination

Six: why are you calling it " imagination"?! don't you know what happened?

Mono: six calm down

Six: calm down? How can I?

Mono- six I'm trying to have a conversation or haven't you figured out that something is wrong?

Seven: please six just try, I'm scared too

lady- oh gosh from what kind of mental hospital you guys run away from?

Six- there she goes again! Don't you know what happened?? The entities tv man the lady?? And stop calling us "kids" we're 18,17 and 16!

lady- oh you sure are little thing

Mono- okay six that's enough, lady you didn't answer who's "police"

lady- oh they are good guys who will take care of you

Seven- mono...

Mono- seven darling, I'm as scared as you are

Six: mono you have the axe you decide, do you think we should kill her and get going or just wait for "police"

Mono- we're going to wait

After a while of that lady trying to talk to us we see two man with guns drawn getting closer to us

Police man one: drop the axe!

Lady- oh finally you guys are here!

Mono- w-who are you?

Six- mono seven back now!

Seven- what are those? ( he's talking about the guns)

Six- those are guns please seven and mono go back I'm going to use the lady's power

Mono- six don't

I drop the axe as the person in all black which I assume is "police" says

Mono- see no axe

Police man two- to the ground!

Mono- no! I'm already without any protections please explain to us what's happening

Police man two- Gerald lower your gun

Gerald- why would I they have an axe

Police man two- they're clearly afraid stop trying to look though

I see the man lowering what the gun is he called police to?

Police man two- what questions do you guys have?

Mono- where did the entities go and why did everything became normal again so suddenly?

Six- sir Police what are you? if your not a navyling not a the lady servant and not a faceling?

Seven- where are we if not in morphed town?

Police man two- first of all hi my name is alexander, second there are no "entities" and we don't know what a navyling is

Mono- hi I'm mono she's six and he is seven

Alexander- please I need your real names

Six- those are our real names!

Seven- mono

I see seven coming closer to me with his eyes full of tears

Mono- seven come here put your crutches in my back pack and let me carry you

Alexander- so you guys Identify as seven six and mono?

Mono- yes

I help seven put his crutches in the space between my backpack and my back and I carry him like his sitting in my arm and hugging my neck

Mono- can you guys help us we're lost and we swore that we were in our world like two seconds ago

Alexander- sure we'll help you but you guys have to cooperate ok?

Six- mono no! I don't trust any of them!

Mono- six stop he seems nice and doesn't seem to mean us any harm so let's just do what he says

Seven- six if they were navylings they would've just attacked us not tried to help us so please let's just go

Six- if I get killed because of you two I'll fucking come back just to haunt you!

Mono- sir we'll do whatever you ask us to do

Alexander- okay I'll take you guys to the police station do you guys know what a car is?

Mono- never seen one functioning but yeah I do

Six- I know to

Alexander- great come with me

We follow them to a car with weird lights on top I put seven in car the seat and I seat right in the middle between him and six and off we go to the police station     

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